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Describes the signaling model


The signaling layer includes all signals, which respond to track occupancy and reservation. Signals can be of different types, and are modularly loaded. Only their behavior towards the state of the infrastructure and the train’s reaction to signaling matters.

Signals are connected to each other by blocks. Blocks define paths permitted by signaling.


The signaling system is at the crossroads of many needs:

  • it must allow for realistic signaling simulation in a multi-train simulation
  • it must allow the conflict detection system to determine which resources are required for the train
  • it must allow application users to edit and display signals
  • it must allow for visualization of signals on a map
  • it must allow for automated import from existing databases

Design requirements:

All static data:

  • must enable the front-end to display the signals
  • must enable the infrastructure editor to configure signals
  • must enable the back-end to simulate signals
  • must be close to realistic industry models
  • must allow for the modeling of composite signals, which carry several logical signals within a single physical signal

To simulate signaling:

  • blocks must be generated for both user convenience and pathfinding
  • for each signal, its next compatible signal and protected zones must be deduced
  • the minimum necessary information must be provided to the signaling modules for their operation
  • enable using signaling modules without instantiating a complete simulation
  • allow for signals to be loaded in any order, in parallel

For speed limits:

  • some speed limits have to be enforced depending on the train path’s routes
  • speed limits can be configured to have an impact on signaling
  • ability to link the reaction of the train to a signal, and a speed limit


  • Each physical signal can be decomposed into a list of logical signals, all of which are associated with a signaling system.
  • Blocks have a type.
  • It is possible to compute, given a signal alone, its block and route delimiting properties.
  • Blocks never cross route boundaries.
  • Blocks which are not covered by routes do not exist, or can be ignored.
  • At any time, trains only use one signaling system capable of transmitting movement authority.
  • Speed limits change depending on which route is in use, and affect how signals behave
  • Some speed limits have an impact on signaling, and some do not
  • Either a speed limits differentiates per train category, or requires dynamic signaling, but not both


  • Instantiating a view creates a framework for observing signals
  • Planning the path signals to the view the blocks that the train will traverse
  • Observing a signal subscribe to the state of a signal (through the view)
  • Passing a signal signals that a signal has been passed by the train (through the view)

Research Questions

  • Are there any blocks that overlap the end of a route? SNCF(Loïc): No.
  • Are there any signals which rely on the state of the one after next signal? SNCF(Loïc): No.
  • Are there signals that change behavior based on the active block in front of them? SNCF(Loïc): Yes, for slowdowns.
  • Are there signals that are the start of blocks of different types? SNCF(Loïc): Yes.
  • Can the behavior of a signal depend on which block is active after the end of the current block? SNCF(Loïc): Yes, with slowdowns or blinking yellow.
  • Do some signaling systems need additional information in the blocks? SNCF(Loïc): Kind of, there are slowdowns, but it’s not specifically carried by the block.
  • Is it nominal for a train to have multiple active signaling systems at the same time? SNCF(Loïc): No.
  • are there any signals which depend on which route is set, but are not route delimiters? SNCF(Loïc): Yes, see Sémaphore Clignotant
  • how do speed limits per train category and dynamic signaling interact? SNCF(Nicolas): There shouldn’t be any speed limit per category signaled by dynamic signaling
  • are there any signals which depend on the state of multiple routes? SNCF(Loïc): No

1 - Signaling systems

Each signaling system has:

  • A unique identifier (a string).
  • Its signal state type, which enables deducing:
    • The graphical representation of the signal
    • How a train would react to the signal
    • If the signal state constrains Movement Authority
  • The signal parameter types, names and description, which enable front-end edition of signal parameters.
  • The block and route conditions, which enable evaluating whether a signal delimits blocks or routes, given its parameters.
    # unique identifier for the signaling system
    "id": "BAL",
    "version": "1.0",
    # the schema of the dynamic state of signals of this type
    "signal_state": [
        {"kind": "enum", "field_name": "aspect", values: ["VL", "A", "S", "C"]},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "ralen30"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "ralen60"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "ralen_rappel"}
    # describes static properties of the signal
    "signal_properties": [
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "Nf", "display_name": "Non-permissive"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_ralen30", "default": false, "display_name": "Ralen 30"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_rappel30", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 30"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_ralen60", "default": false, "display_name": "Ralen 60"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_rappel60", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 60"}
    # describes dynamic properties of the signal. These can be set on a per-route basis
    "signal_parameters": [
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "short_block", "default": false, "display_name": "Short block"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "rappel30", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 30"},
        {"kind": "flag", "field_name": "rappel60", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 60"}

    # these are C-like boolean expressions:
    # true, false, <flag>, <enum> == value, &&, || and ! can be used

    # used to evaluate whether a signal is a block boundary. Only properties can be used, not parameters.
    "block_boundary_when": "true",

    # used to evaluate whether a signal is a route boundary. Only properties can be used, not parameters.
    "route_boundary_when": "Nf",

    # A predicate used evaluate whether a signal state can make a train slow down. Used for naive conflict detection.
    "constraining_ma_when": "aspect != VL"

2 - Blocks and signals


The blocks have several attributes:

  • A signaling system that corresponds to that displayed by its first signal.
  • A path, which is a list of direction + detector pairs (just like route paths).
  • An entry signal, (optional when the block starts from a buffer stop).
  • Intermediate signals, if any (only used by systems with distant signals).
  • An exit signal, (optional when the block ends at a buffer stop).

The path is expressed from detector to detector so that it can be overlaid with the route graph.

A few remarks:

  • There can be multiple blocks with the same path, as long as they have different signaling systems. Trains only use a block at a time, and ignore others.
  • Blocks do not have a state: one can rely on the dynamic state of the zones that make it up.
  • Blocks are used to figure out which signals protect which zones in a given context.


  • route graph. For each route:
    • waypoints: List<DiDetector>
    • signals: OrderedMap<Position, UnloadedSignal>
    • speed_limits: RangeMap<Position, SpeedLimit>, including the logic for train category limits
  • signaling systems
  • drivers


Physical signal are made up of one or more logical signals, which are displayed as a single unit on the field. During simulation, logical signals are treated as separate signals.

Each logical signal is associated with a signaling system, which defines if the signal transmits Movement Authority, speed limits, or both.

Logical signals have one or more drivers. Signal drivers are responsible for computing signal state. Any given signal driver only works for a given pair of signaling systems, where the first one is displayed by the signal, and the second is the one displayed by the next signal.

When a logical signal has an empty driver list, its content is deduced from neighboring signals.

For example, a BAL signal that is both a departure of the TVM block and a departure of the BAL block, it will have two drivers: BAL-BAL and BAL-TVM.

Announcing speed limits

When a signal announces a speed limit, it needs to be linked with a speed section object. This is meant to enable smooth transitions between the reaction to the announce signal, and the limit itself.

If multiple signals are involved in the announce process, only the one closest to the speed limit has to have this attribute set.

    # ...
    "announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}"
    # ...

Conditional parameters

Some signal parameters vary depending on which route is set. On each signal, an arbitrary number of rules can be added. If the signal is last to announce a speed limit, it must be explicitly mentioned in the rule.

    # ...
    "announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}",
    "default_parameters": {"short_block": "false"},
    "conditional_parameters": [
            "on_route": "${ROUTE_ID}",
            "announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}",
            "parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "true"}
    # ...

Signal parameter values are looked up in the following order:

  1. per route conditional parameters
  2. per signal default parameters (default_parameters)
  3. parameter default value, from the signaling system’s .signal_parameters[].default

Serialized format

The serialized / raw format is the user-editable description of a physical signal.

Raw signals have a list of logical signals, which are independently simulated units sharing a common physical display. Each logical signal has:

  • a signaling system
  • user-editable properties, as specified in the signaling system description
  • a list of default parameters, which can get overridden per-route
  • an optional announced speed section, which can get overridden per-route
  • a list of allowed next signaling systems, which are used to load drivers

For example, this signal encodes a BAL signal which:

  • starts both a BAL and a TVM block
  • announces speed limit B on all routes except route A, where speed limit C is announced
  • on route A, the block is shorter than usual
    # signals must have location data.
    # this data is omitted as its format is irrelevant to how signals behave

    "logical_signals": [
            # the signaling system shown by the signal
            "signaling_system": "BAL",
            # the settings for this signal, as defined in the signaling system manifest
            "properties": {"has_ralen30": "true", "Nf": "true"},
            # this signal can react to BAL or TVM signals
            # if the list is empty, the signal is assumed to be compatible with all following signaling systems
            "next_signaling_systems": ["BAL", "TVM"]
            "announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_B}",
            "default_parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "false"},
            "conditional_parameters": [
                    "on_route": "${ROUTE_A}",
                    "announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_C}",
                    "parameters": {"short_block": "true"}

For example, this signal encodes a BAL signal which starts a BAL block, and shares its physical display / support with a BAPR signal starting a BAPR block:

    # signals must have location data.
    # this data is omitted as its format is irrelevant to how signals behave

    "logical_signals": [
            "signaling_system": "BAL",
            "properties": {"has_ralen30": "true", "Nf": "true"},
            "next_signaling_systems": ["BAL"]
            "signaling_system": "BAPR",
            "properties": {"Nf": "true", "distant": "false"},
            "next_signaling_systems": ["BAPR"]

Signal description strings

Signal definitions need to be condensed into a shorter form, just to look up signal icons. In order to store this into MVT map tiles hassle free, it’s condensed down into a single string.

It looks something like that: BAL[Nf=true,ralen30=true]+BAPR[Nf=true,distant=false] It’s built as follows:

  • a list of logical signals, sorted by signaling system name, separated by +
  • inside each logical signal, signal properties are sorted by name, enclosed in square brackets and separated by ,


For signal state evaluation:

  • train path in blocks
  • portion of the path to evaluate
  • drivers
  • state of the zones in the section to evaluate

3 - Speed limits

Describes how speed limits work


Railway infrastructure has a surprising variety of speed limits:

  • some are known by the driver, and not announced at all
  • some are announced by fixed signs regardless of where the train goes
  • some are announced by fixed signs, depending on where the train path goes
  • some are announced by dynamic signals regardless of where the train goes
  • some are announced by dynamic signals, depending on where the train path goes

Data model

    # unique speed limit identifier
    "id": "...",

    # A list of routes the speed limit is enforced on. When empty
    # or missing, the speed limit is enforced regardless of the route.
    # /!\ When a speed section is announced by signals, the routes it is
    # announced on are automatically filled in /!\
    "on_routes": ["${ROUTE_A}", "${ROUTE_B}"]
    # "on_routes": null, # not conditional
    # "on_routes": [], # conditional

    # A speed limit in meters per second.
    "speed_limit": 30,

    # A map from train tag to speed limit override. If missing and
    # the speed limit is announced by a signal, this field is deduced
    # from the signal.
    "speed_limit_by_tag": {"freight": 20},

    "track_ranges": [{"track": "${TRACK_SECTION}", "begin": 0, "end": 42, "applicable_directions": "START_TO_STOP"}],

Design considerations

Where to put the speed limit value

When a speed limit is announced by dynamic signaling, we may be in a position where speed limit value is duplicated:

  • once in the signal itself
  • once in the speed limit

There are multiple ways this issue can be dealt with:

✅ Mandatory speed limit value in the speed section


  • simpler to implement, works even without train reactions to signals nor additional API


  • more work on the side of users
  • room for inconsistencies between the speed limit announced by signaling, and the effective speed limit

❌ Deduce the signal constraint from the speed limit

This option was not explored much, as it was deemed awkward to deduce signal parameters from a speed limit value.

❌ Deduce the speed limit from the signal

Make the speed limit value optional, and deduce it from the signal itself. Speed limits per tag also have to be deduced if missing.


  • less work for users
  • lessens the likelihood of configuration mismatches


  • not all signaling systems work well with this. It may be difficult to deduce the announced speed limit from a signal configuration, such as with TVM.
  • speed limits have to be deduced, which increases implementation complexity

Speed limit announced by dynamic signaling often start being enforced at a specific location, which is distinct from the signal which announces the speed limit.

To allow for correct train reactions to this kind of limits, a link between the announce signal and the speed limit section has to be made at some point.

❌ Automated matching of signals and speed sections

Was not deemed realistic.

Was deemed to be awkward, as signaling is currently built over interlocking. Referencing signaling from interlocking creates a circular dependency between the two schemas.

Add a list of (route, signal) tuples to speed sections.


  • a link with the signal can be made with creating the speed section


  • Creates a dependency loop between speed limits and signaling. Part of the parsing of speed limit has to be deferred.
  • Signals parameters also have to be set per route, which is done in the signal. Having per-route options on both sides doubles the work.

❌ Inlining speed limit definitions into signals

Introduces a new type of speed limit, which are announced by signals. These speed limits are directly defined within signal definitions.

    # ...
    "conditional_parameters": [
            "on_route": "${ROUTE_ID}",
            "speed_section": {
                "speed_limit": 42,
                "begin": {"track": "a", "offset": 10},
                "end": {"track": "b", "offset": 15},
            "parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "true"}
    # ...


  • straightforward infrastructure edition experience for speed sections announced by a single signal


  • creates two separate kinds of speed limits:
    • can cause code duplication
    • could make later changes of the data model trickier
    • it’s unclear whether the criterion used to make this partition is appropriate
  • speed sections created directly inside signals can only be announced by a single signal, which could be an issue for speed sections which apply to very large areas, and are announced by multiple signals (such as one for each direction)
  • the cost of reversing this decision could be fairly high
    # ...
    "conditional_parameters": [
            "on_route": "${ROUTE_ID}",
            "announced_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}",
            "parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "true"}
    # ...


  • single unified way of declaring speed limits
  • very close to the current implementation


  • adds a level of indirection between the signal and the speed section
  • the edition front-end has to be smart enough to create / search speed sections from the signal edition menu

Speed limits by route

Some speed limits only apply so some routes. This relationship needs to be modeled:

  1. speed limits could have a list of routes they apply on
  2. routes could have a list of speed limits they enforce
  3. the routes a speed limit apply on could be deduced from its announce signals, plus an explicit list of routes per speed section

We took option 3.

4 - Simulation lifecycle

Tells the story of how signaling infrastructure is loaded and simulated on

Loading Signal Parameters

The first step of loading the signal is to characterize the signal in the signaling system. This step produces an object that describes the signal.

During the loading of the signal:

  • the signaling system corresponding to the provided name is identified
  • the signal properties and parameters are loaded and validated according to the signaling system spec
  • the signal’s block and route delimiting properties are evaluated

Loading the Signal

Once signal parameters are loaded, drivers can be loaded. For each driver:

  • The driver implementation is identified from the (signaling_system, next_signaling_system) pair.
  • It is verified that the signaling system outgoing from the driver corresponds to the one of the signal.
  • It is verified that there is no existing driver for the incoming signaling system of the driver.

This step produces a Map<SignalingSystem, SignalDriver>, where the signaling system is the one incoming to the signal. It then becomes possible to construct the loaded signal.

Constructing Blocks

  • The framework creates blocks between signals following the routes present in the infrastructure, and the block properties of the signals.
  • Checks are made on the created block graph: it must always be possible to choose a block for each signal and each state of the infrastructure.

Block validation

The validation process helps to report invalid configurations in terms of signaling and blockage. The validation cases we want to support are:

  • The signaling system may want to validate, knowing if the block starts / ends on a buffer:
    • the length of the block
    • the spacing between the block signals, first signal excluded
  • Each signal in the block may have specific information if it is a transition signal. Therefore, all signal drivers participate in the validation.

In practice, there are two separate mechanisms to address these two needs:

  • The signaling system module is responsible for validating signaling within blocks.
  • Signal drivers take care of validating transitions between blocks.
extern fn report_warning(/* TODO */);
extern fn report_error(/* TODO */);

struct Block {
   startsAtBufferStop: bool,
   stopsAtBufferStop: bool,
   signalTypes: Vec<SignalingSystemId>,
   signalSettings: Vec<SignalSettings>,
   signalPositions: Vec<Distance>,
   length: Distance,

/// Runs in the signaling system module
fn check_block(
   block: Block,

/// Runs in the signal driver module
fn check_signal(
   signal: SignalSettings,
   block: Block, // The partial block downstream of the signal - no signal can see backward

Signal lifecycle

Before a train startup:

  • the path a of the train can be expressed is given, both as routes and blocks
  • the signal queue a train will encounter is established

During the simulation:

  • along a train movement, the track occupation before it are synthesized
  • when a train observes a signal, its state is evaluated

Signal state evaluation

Signals are modeled as an evaluation function, taking a view of the world and returning the signal state

enum ZoneStatus {
   /** The zone is clear to be used by the train */
   /** The zone is occupied by another train, but otherwise clear to use */
   /** The zone is incompatible. There may be another train as well */

interface MAView {
    /** Combined status of the zones protected by the current signal */
    val protectedZoneStatus: ZoneStatus
    val nextSignalState: SignalState
    val nextSignalSettings: SignalSettings

fun signal(maView: MAView?): SignalState {
    // ...

The view should allow access to the following data:

  • a synthesized view of zones downstream until the end of the train’s MA
  • the block chain
  • the state of downstream signals which belong to the current block chain

Signaling view path

The path along which the MAView and SpeedLimitView live is best expressed using blocks:

  • blocks can be added to extend the view along the path of a train
  • the view can be reduced by removing blocks, as the train passes by signals

Simulation outside the train path

Everything mentioned so far was designed to simulate signals between a train the end of its movement authority, as all others signals have no influence over the behavior of trains (they cannot be seen, or are disregarded by drivers).

Nevertheless, one may want to simulate and display the state of all signals at a given point in time, regardless of which signals are in use.

Simulation rules are as follows:

  • if a signal starts blocks which have differing paths, it is simulated as if it were at the end of a route
  • if a signal starts blocks which all start the same path, it is simulated in the same view as the next signals in this path