Technical reference guides contain technical reference for APIs and other aspects of OSRD’s machinery. They describe how it works and how to use it but assume that you have a basic understanding of key concepts.
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Technical reference
- 1: Architecture
- 2: Design documents
- 2.1: Signaling
- 2.1.1: Signaling systems
- 2.1.2: Blocks and signals
- 2.1.3: Speed limits
- 2.1.4: Simulation lifecycle
- 2.2: Conflict detection
- 2.3: Train simulation v3
- 2.3.1: Overview
- 2.3.2: Prior art
- 2.3.3: Driving instructions
- 2.3.4: Driver behavior modules
- 2.4: Search for last-minute train slots (STDCM)
- 2.4.1: Business context
- 2.4.2: Train slot search module
- Infrastructure exploration
- Conflict detection
- Encoding the solution space
- Discontinuities and backtracking
- Conflict avoidance
- Standard allowance
- Implementation details
- 2.5: Timetable v2
- 2.6: Authentication and authorization
- 2.7: Editoast error management
- 2.8: Scalable async RPC
- 3: APIs
1 - Architecture
Architecture documents are meant to help understand how OSRD works overall.
1.1 - Data-flow
1.2 - Services
It is a multi-service architecture where several software components interact with each other. This choice was made to ensure the modularity of the code and to guarantee the exploitability of certain OSRD services by external applications.
- Valkey is configured as
(documentation) - Osrdyne has multiple drivers to support:
- k8s
- docker
- process compose
- The gateway supports multiple authentication providers:
- OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- Bearer token
- Mock (for development purpose)
- Some
endpoints requires anInfraCache
object which make them stateful. These endpoints are only used in theeditoast-stateful
service. Doing so most endpoints are run by a scalable service.
Coming soon:
- Adapt
so editoast is fully scalable.
2 - Design documents
Design documents are meant to help understand and participate in designing software.
Each design document describes a number of things about a piece of software:
- its goals
- its constraints
- how its inputs and outputs were modeled
- how it works
2.1 - Signaling
The signaling layer includes all signals, which respond to track occupancy and reservation. Signals can be of different types, and are modularly loaded. Only their behavior towards the state of the infrastructure and the train’s reaction to signaling matters.
Signals are connected to each other by blocks. Blocks define paths permitted by signaling.
The signaling system is at the crossroads of many needs:
- it must allow for realistic signaling simulation in a multi-train simulation
- it must allow the conflict detection system to determine which resources are required for the train
- it must allow application users to edit and display signals
- it must allow for visualization of signals on a map
- it must allow for automated import from existing databases
Design requirements:
All static data:
- must enable the front-end to display the signals
- must enable the infrastructure editor to configure signals
- must enable the back-end to simulate signals
- must be close to realistic industry models
- must allow for the modeling of composite signals, which carry several logical signals within a single physical signal
To simulate signaling:
- blocks must be generated for both user convenience and pathfinding
- for each signal, its next compatible signal and protected zones must be deduced
- the minimum necessary information must be provided to the signaling modules for their operation
- enable using signaling modules without instantiating a complete simulation
- allow for signals to be loaded in any order, in parallel
For speed limits:
- some speed limits have to be enforced depending on the train path’s routes
- speed limits can be configured to have an impact on signaling
- ability to link the reaction of the train to a signal, and a speed limit
- Each physical signal can be decomposed into a list of logical signals, all of which are associated with a signaling system.
- Blocks have a type.
- It is possible to compute, given a signal alone, its block and route delimiting properties.
- Blocks never cross route boundaries.
- Blocks which are not covered by routes do not exist, or can be ignored.
- At any time, trains only use one signaling system capable of transmitting movement authority.
- Speed limits change depending on which route is in use, and affect how signals behave
- Some speed limits have an impact on signaling, and some do not
- Either a speed limits differentiates per train category, or requires dynamic signaling, but not both
- Instantiating a view creates a framework for observing signals
- Planning the path signals to the view the blocks that the train will traverse
- Observing a signal subscribe to the state of a signal (through the view)
- Passing a signal signals that a signal has been passed by the train (through the view)
Research Questions
- Are there any blocks that overlap the end of a route? SNCF(Loïc): No.
- Are there any signals which rely on the state of the one after next signal? SNCF(Loïc): No.
- Are there signals that change behavior based on the active block in front of them? SNCF(Loïc): Yes, for slowdowns.
- Are there signals that are the start of blocks of different types? SNCF(Loïc): Yes.
- Can the behavior of a signal depend on which block is active after the end of the current block? SNCF(Loïc): Yes, with slowdowns or blinking yellow.
- Do some signaling systems need additional information in the blocks? SNCF(Loïc): Kind of, there are slowdowns, but it’s not specifically carried by the block.
- Is it nominal for a train to have multiple active signaling systems at the same time? SNCF(Loïc): No.
- are there any signals which depend on which route is set, but are not route delimiters? SNCF(Loïc): Yes, see Sémaphore Clignotant
- how do speed limits per train category and dynamic signaling interact? SNCF(Nicolas): There shouldn’t be any speed limit per category signaled by dynamic signaling
- are there any signals which depend on the state of multiple routes? SNCF(Loïc): No
2.1.1 - Signaling systems
Each signaling system has:
- A unique identifier (a string).
- Its signal state type, which enables deducing:
- The graphical representation of the signal
- How a train would react to the signal
- If the signal state constrains Movement Authority
- The signal parameter types, names and description, which enable front-end edition of signal parameters.
- The block and route conditions, which enable evaluating whether a signal delimits blocks or routes, given its parameters.
# unique identifier for the signaling system
"id": "BAL",
"version": "1.0",
# the schema of the dynamic state of signals of this type
"signal_state": [
{"kind": "enum", "field_name": "aspect", values: ["VL", "A", "S", "C"]},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "ralen30"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "ralen60"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "ralen_rappel"}
# describes static properties of the signal
"signal_properties": [
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "Nf", "display_name": "Non-permissive"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_ralen30", "default": false, "display_name": "Ralen 30"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_rappel30", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 30"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_ralen60", "default": false, "display_name": "Ralen 60"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "has_rappel60", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 60"}
# describes dynamic properties of the signal. These can be set on a per-route basis
"signal_parameters": [
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "short_block", "default": false, "display_name": "Short block"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "rappel30", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 30"},
{"kind": "flag", "field_name": "rappel60", "default": false, "display_name": "Rappel 60"}
# these are C-like boolean expressions:
# true, false, <flag>, <enum> == value, &&, || and ! can be used
# used to evaluate whether a signal is a block boundary. Only properties can be used, not parameters.
"block_boundary_when": "true",
# used to evaluate whether a signal is a route boundary. Only properties can be used, not parameters.
"route_boundary_when": "Nf",
# A predicate used evaluate whether a signal state can make a train slow down. Used for naive conflict detection.
"constraining_ma_when": "aspect != VL"
2.1.2 - Blocks and signals
The blocks have several attributes:
- A signaling system that corresponds to that displayed by its first signal.
- A path, which is a list of direction + detector pairs (just like route paths).
- An entry signal, (optional when the block starts from a buffer stop).
- Intermediate signals, if any (only used by systems with distant signals).
- An exit signal, (optional when the block ends at a buffer stop).
The path is expressed from detector to detector so that it can be overlaid with the route graph.
A few remarks:
- There can be multiple blocks with the same path, as long as they have different signaling systems. Trains only use a block at a time, and ignore others.
- Blocks do not have a state: one can rely on the dynamic state of the zones that make it up.
- Blocks are used to figure out which signals protect which zones in a given context.
- route graph. For each route:
waypoints: List<DiDetector>
signals: OrderedMap<Position, UnloadedSignal>
speed_limits: RangeMap<Position, SpeedLimit>
, including the logic for train category limits
- signaling systems
- drivers
Physical signal are made up of one or more logical signals, which are displayed as a single unit on the field. During simulation, logical signals are treated as separate signals.
Each logical signal is associated with a signaling system, which defines if the signal transmits Movement Authority, speed limits, or both.
Logical signals have one or more drivers. Signal drivers are responsible for computing signal state. Any given signal driver only works for a given pair of signaling systems, where the first one is displayed by the signal, and the second is the one displayed by the next signal.
When a logical signal has an empty driver list, its content is deduced from neighboring signals.
For example, a BAL signal that is both a departure of the TVM block and a
departure of the BAL block, it will have two drivers: BAL-BAL
Announcing speed limits
When a signal announces a speed limit, it needs to be linked with a speed section object. This is meant to enable smooth transitions between the reaction to the announce signal, and the limit itself.
If multiple signals are involved in the announce process, only the one closest to the speed limit has to have this attribute set.
# ...
"announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}"
# ...
Conditional parameters
Some signal parameters vary depending on which route is set. On each signal, an arbitrary number of rules can be added. If the signal is last to announce a speed limit, it must be explicitly mentioned in the rule.
# ...
"announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}",
"default_parameters": {"short_block": "false"},
"conditional_parameters": [
"on_route": "${ROUTE_ID}",
"announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}",
"parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "true"}
# ...
Signal parameter values are looked up in the following order:
- per route conditional parameters
- per signal default parameters (
) - parameter default value, from the signaling system’s
Serialized format
The serialized / raw format is the user-editable description of a physical signal.
Raw signals have a list of logical signals, which are independently simulated units sharing a common physical display. Each logical signal has:
- a signaling system
- user-editable properties, as specified in the signaling system description
- a list of default parameters, which can get overridden per-route
- an optional announced speed section, which can get overridden per-route
- a list of allowed next signaling systems, which are used to load drivers
For example, this signal encodes a BAL signal which:
- starts both a BAL and a TVM block
- announces speed limit B on all routes except route A, where speed limit C is announced
- on route A, the block is shorter than usual
# signals must have location data.
# this data is omitted as its format is irrelevant to how signals behave
"logical_signals": [
# the signaling system shown by the signal
"signaling_system": "BAL",
# the settings for this signal, as defined in the signaling system manifest
"properties": {"has_ralen30": "true", "Nf": "true"},
# this signal can react to BAL or TVM signals
# if the list is empty, the signal is assumed to be compatible with all following signaling systems
"next_signaling_systems": ["BAL", "TVM"]
"announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_B}",
"default_parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "false"},
"conditional_parameters": [
"on_route": "${ROUTE_A}",
"announce_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_C}",
"parameters": {"short_block": "true"}
For example, this signal encodes a BAL signal which starts a BAL block, and shares its physical display / support with a BAPR signal starting a BAPR block:
# signals must have location data.
# this data is omitted as its format is irrelevant to how signals behave
"logical_signals": [
"signaling_system": "BAL",
"properties": {"has_ralen30": "true", "Nf": "true"},
"next_signaling_systems": ["BAL"]
"signaling_system": "BAPR",
"properties": {"Nf": "true", "distant": "false"},
"next_signaling_systems": ["BAPR"]
Signal description strings
Signal definitions need to be condensed into a shorter form, just to look up signal icons. In order to store this into MVT map tiles hassle free, it’s condensed down into a single string.
It looks something like that: BAL[Nf=true,ralen30=true]+BAPR[Nf=true,distant=false]
It’s built as follows:
- a list of logical signals, sorted by signaling system name, separated by
- inside each logical signal, signal properties are sorted by name, enclosed in square brackets and separated by
For signal state evaluation:
- train path in blocks
- portion of the path to evaluate
- drivers
- state of the zones in the section to evaluate
2.1.3 - Speed limits
Railway infrastructure has a surprising variety of speed limits:
- some are known by the driver, and not announced at all
- some are announced by fixed signs regardless of where the train goes
- some are announced by fixed signs, depending on where the train path goes
- some are announced by dynamic signals regardless of where the train goes
- some are announced by dynamic signals, depending on where the train path goes
Data model
# unique speed limit identifier
"id": "...",
# A list of routes the speed limit is enforced on. When empty
# or missing, the speed limit is enforced regardless of the route.
# /!\ When a speed section is announced by signals, the routes it is
# announced on are automatically filled in /!\
"on_routes": ["${ROUTE_A}", "${ROUTE_B}"]
# "on_routes": null, # not conditional
# "on_routes": [], # conditional
# A speed limit in meters per second.
"speed_limit": 30,
# A map from train tag to speed limit override. If missing and
# the speed limit is announced by a signal, this field is deduced
# from the signal.
"speed_limit_by_tag": {"freight": 20},
"track_ranges": [{"track": "${TRACK_SECTION}", "begin": 0, "end": 42, "applicable_directions": "START_TO_STOP"}],
Design considerations
Where to put the speed limit value
When a speed limit is announced by dynamic signaling, we may be in a position where speed limit value is duplicated:
- once in the signal itself
- once in the speed limit
There are multiple ways this issue can be dealt with:
✅ Mandatory speed limit value in the speed section
- simpler to implement, works even without train reactions to signals nor additional API
- more work on the side of users
- room for inconsistencies between the speed limit announced by signaling, and the effective speed limit
❌ Deduce the signal constraint from the speed limit
This option was not explored much, as it was deemed awkward to deduce signal parameters from a speed limit value.
❌ Deduce the speed limit from the signal
Make the speed limit value optional, and deduce it from the signal itself. Speed limits per tag also have to be deduced if missing.
- less work for users
- lessens the likelihood of configuration mismatches
- not all signaling systems work well with this. It may be difficult to deduce the announced speed limit from a signal configuration, such as with TVM.
- speed limits have to be deduced, which increases implementation complexity
How to link announce signals and speed limit area
Speed limit announced by dynamic signaling often start being enforced at a specific location, which is distinct from the signal which announces the speed limit.
To allow for correct train reactions to this kind of limits, a link between the announce signal and the speed limit section has to be made at some point.
❌ Automated matching of signals and speed sections
Was not deemed realistic.
❌ Explicit link from route to speed limit and signals
Was deemed to be awkward, as signaling is currently built over interlocking. Referencing signaling from interlocking creates a circular dependency between the two schemas.
❌ Explicit link from speed limit to signals
Add a list of (route, signal)
tuples to speed sections.
- a link with the signal can be made with creating the speed section
- Creates a dependency loop between speed limits and signaling. Part of the parsing of speed limit has to be deferred.
- Signals parameters also have to be set per route, which is done in the signal. Having per-route options on both sides doubles the work.
❌ Inlining speed limit definitions into signals
Introduces a new type of speed limit, which are announced by signals. These speed limits are directly defined within signal definitions.
# ...
"conditional_parameters": [
"on_route": "${ROUTE_ID}",
"speed_section": {
"speed_limit": 42,
"begin": {"track": "a", "offset": 10},
"end": {"track": "b", "offset": 15},
"parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "true"}
# ...
- straightforward infrastructure edition experience for speed sections announced by a single signal
- creates two separate kinds of speed limits:
- can cause code duplication
- could make later changes of the data model trickier
- it’s unclear whether the criterion used to make this partition is appropriate
- speed sections created directly inside signals can only be announced by a single signal, which could be an issue for speed sections which apply to very large areas, and are announced by multiple signals (such as one for each direction)
- the cost of reversing this decision could be fairly high
✅ Explicit link from signal to speed section
# ...
"conditional_parameters": [
"on_route": "${ROUTE_ID}",
"announced_speed_section": "${SPEED_SECTION_ID}",
"parameters": {"rappel30": "true", "short_block": "true"}
# ...
- single unified way of declaring speed limits
- very close to the current implementation
- adds a level of indirection between the signal and the speed section
- the edition front-end has to be smart enough to create / search speed sections from the signal edition menu
Speed limits by route
Some speed limits only apply so some routes. This relationship needs to be modeled:
- speed limits could have a list of routes they apply on
- routes could have a list of speed limits they enforce
- the routes a speed limit apply on could be deduced from its announce signals, plus an explicit list of routes per speed section
We took option 3.
2.1.4 - Simulation lifecycle
Loading Signal Parameters
The first step of loading the signal is to characterize the signal in the signaling system. This step produces an object that describes the signal.
During the loading of the signal:
- the signaling system corresponding to the provided name is identified
- the signal properties and parameters are loaded and validated according to the signaling system spec
- the signal’s block and route delimiting properties are evaluated
Loading the Signal
Once signal parameters are loaded, drivers can be loaded. For each driver:
- The driver implementation is identified from the
(signaling_system, next_signaling_system)
pair. - It is verified that the signaling system outgoing from the driver corresponds to the one of the signal.
- It is verified that there is no existing driver for the incoming signaling system of the driver.
This step produces a Map<SignalingSystem, SignalDriver>
, where the signaling
system is the one incoming to the signal. It then becomes possible to construct
the loaded signal.
Constructing Blocks
- The framework creates blocks between signals following the routes present in the infrastructure, and the block properties of the signals.
- Checks are made on the created block graph: it must always be possible to choose a block for each signal and each state of the infrastructure.
Block validation
The validation process helps to report invalid configurations in terms of signaling and blockage. The validation cases we want to support are:
- The signaling system may want to validate, knowing if the block starts / ends on a buffer:
- the length of the block
- the spacing between the block signals, first signal excluded
- Each signal in the block may have specific information if it is a transition signal. Therefore, all signal drivers participate in the validation.
In practice, there are two separate mechanisms to address these two needs:
- The signaling system module is responsible for validating signaling within blocks.
- Signal drivers take care of validating transitions between blocks.
extern fn report_warning(/* TODO */);
extern fn report_error(/* TODO */);
struct Block {
startsAtBufferStop: bool,
stopsAtBufferStop: bool,
signalTypes: Vec<SignalingSystemId>,
signalSettings: Vec<SignalSettings>,
signalPositions: Vec<Distance>,
length: Distance,
/// Runs in the signaling system module
fn check_block(
block: Block,
/// Runs in the signal driver module
fn check_signal(
signal: SignalSettings,
block: Block, // The partial block downstream of the signal - no signal can see backward
Signal lifecycle
Before a train startup:
- the path a of the train can be expressed is given, both as routes and blocks
- the signal queue a train will encounter is established
During the simulation:
- along a train movement, the track occupation before it are synthesized
- when a train observes a signal, its state is evaluated
Signal state evaluation
Signals are modeled as an evaluation function, taking a view of the world and returning the signal state
enum ZoneStatus {
/** The zone is clear to be used by the train */
/** The zone is occupied by another train, but otherwise clear to use */
/** The zone is incompatible. There may be another train as well */
interface MAView {
/** Combined status of the zones protected by the current signal */
val protectedZoneStatus: ZoneStatus
val nextSignalState: SignalState
val nextSignalSettings: SignalSettings
fun signal(maView: MAView?): SignalState {
// ...
The view should allow access to the following data:
- a synthesized view of zones downstream until the end of the train’s MA
- the block chain
- the state of downstream signals which belong to the current block chain
Signaling view path
The path along which the MAView and SpeedLimitView live is best expressed using blocks:
- blocks can be added to extend the view along the path of a train
- the view can be reduced by removing blocks, as the train passes by signals
Simulation outside the train path
Everything mentioned so far was designed to simulate signals between a train the end of its movement authority, as all others signals have no influence over the behavior of trains (they cannot be seen, or are disregarded by drivers).
Nevertheless, one may want to simulate and display the state of all signals at a given point in time, regardless of which signals are in use.
Simulation rules are as follows:
- if a signal starts blocks which have differing paths, it is simulated as if it were at the end of a route
- if a signal starts blocks which all start the same path, it is simulated in the same view as the next signals in this path
2.2 - Conflict detection
This document is a work in progress
Conflict detection is the process of looking for timetable conflicts. A timetable conflict is any predictable condition which disrupts planned operations. Planned operations can be disrupted if a train is slowed down, prevented from proceeding, or delayed.
One of the core features of OSRD is the ability to automatically detect some conflicts:
- spacing conflicts: insufficient spacing between trains sharing the same path
- routing conflicts: insufficient spacing between trains with intersecting paths
Some other kinds of conflicts may be detected later on:
- maintenance conflicts: planned maintenance disrupts the path of a train
- power delivery conflicts: combined power delivery requirements exceeds capacity
Conflict detection relies on interlocking and signaling modeling and simulation to:
- figure out what each actor requires to perform its duty undisturbed
- detect conflicting requirements
Design constraints
The primary design goals are as follows:
- enable threading new train paths into an existing timetable (see STDCM)
- produce conflicts which can be linked back to a root cause
- operate in way that can be visualized and interpreted
- scale to real world timetables: millions of yearly trains, tens of thousands of daily trains
In addition to these goals, the following constraints apply:
- it must be possible to thread new train paths into timetables with existing conflicts
- it must not cause false-negatives: if no conflicts are detected, a multi-train simulation of the same timetable must not yield any slowdowns
- it cannot rely on data we do not have
- it has to enable later support of mobile block systems
- it has to rely on existing signaling and interlocking simulation
- it has to enable detecting conflicts regardless of the signaling system in use
- it has to support transitions between signaling systems
- it has to support conflicts between different signaling systems
Conflict modeling
Actors are objects which cause resources to be used:
- train paths (or someone / something on the behalf of the train)
- maintenance work
Actors need resources to be available to proceed, such as:
- zones, which have one state per way to traverse it
- switches, which have one state per position
- station platforms, which could be used to prevent two large trains from occupying both sides of a tiny platform
Actor emit resource requirements, which:
- describe the need of an actor for a resource, for a given time span
- describe what the resource is needed for
- detail how the resource is used, such as switch position, zone entry and exit
Resource requirements can turn out to be either satisfied or conflicting with other requirements, depending on compatibility rules.
Compatibility rules differ by requirement purpose and resource type. For example:
- spacing requirements are exclusive: simultaneous requirements for the same resource are conflicting
- zone and switch requirements are shareable: simultaneous requirements are satisfied if the resource configuration is identical
For conflict detection to work, resource requirements have to be at least as extensive as what’s required to guarantee that a train path will not be disturbed.
Routing conflicts
For trains to proceed safely along their planned path:
- switches have to be moved in the appropriate position
- level crossings have to activate
- risks of collision with other trains have to be mitigated
In practice, the path of trains is partitioned into routes, which when set, ensure a train can safely follow the route.
Routes have the following lifestyle:
- As a train approaches the start of one of its routes, it is called by an operator. If all resources required to safely use the route are available, switches and level crossings start to move. If a resources is not available, e.g. because another train has reserved a section of track, this process is delayed until all conditions are met.
- Once all resources are configured and reserved, the route is set and ready to be followed. Before that point, the entry of the route was protected by signaling, which prevented the train from moving past the entry point.
- As the train moves along the route, it is destroyed. When the tail of the trail releases key detectors along the route, resources before this detector are released, and can this be reserved by other routes.
For a train to proceed through a route unimpeded, the following things have to happen:
- The route has to be set before the train arrives, and before it is slowed down by signaling.
- The route has to be called, so that is it set in time.
- All resources required for the route to start setting at call time have to be available.
Generating requirements
struct RouteRequirement {
route: RouteId,
set_deadline: Time,
zone_requirements: Vec<RouteZoneRequirement>,
struct RouteZoneRequirement {
zone: ZoneId,
entry_det: DirDetectorId,
exit_det: DirDetectorId,
release_time: Time,
switches: Map<SwitchId, SwitchConfigId>,
Routing requirements are generated by the following algorithm:
- Compute the set deadline using signaling simulation. The set deadline is the point in time at which the train would be slowed down if the route were not set.
- For each zone in each route, simulate when it would be released, and thus not required anymore.
Route overlaps are not yet supported.
Requirement compatibility rules
Requirement compatibility is evaluated for all RouteZoneRequirement
s, grouped by zone. Requirements A and B, ordered such that A.set_deadline <= B.set_deadline
, are compatible if and only if either:
- their active time span does not overlap, such that
A.release_time <= (B.set_deadline - activation_time)
, where the activation time is the delay required to reconfigure fromA.switches
. (A.entry_det, A.exit_det, A.switches) == (B.entry_det, B.exit_det, B.switches)
Spacing conflicts
Even if interlocking mitigates some of the risks associated with operating trains, a major one is left out: head to tail collisions, caused by insufficient spacing.
This responsibility is handled by signaling, which conveys both interlocking and spacing constraints.
Signaling helps trains slow down until the end of their movement authority, which is either:
- behind the tail of the next train
- at the end of the last route set for this train
Spacing requirements are emitted for zones which if occupied, would cause a slowdown, and zones occupied by the train
Generating requirements
struct SpacingRequirement {
zone: ZoneId,
begin_time: Time,
end_time: Time,
Every time the driver sees a signal, generate updated spacing requirements by calculating which zones, if occupied, would trigger a slowdown:
- start by assuming the zone just after the head of the train is occupied
- until the train is not slowed down, move the occupied section one zone further away from the train
Requirement compatibility rules
Requirement compatibility is evaluated for all SpacingRequirement
s, grouped by zone.
Requirements A and B are compatible if and only if their [begin_time, end_time]
ranges do not overlap.
Incremental requirement generation
Routing requirements
sequenceDiagram participant client as Client participant gen as Routing resource generator client ->> gen: initial path + train movement loop gen ->> client: prefix path extension needed client ->> gen: extra prefix path + train movement end gen ->> client: resource requirements
After an initial path is given, the requirement generator can ask for more prefix path (before the start of the route). The client responds with:
- the extra prefix path
- the movement of the train over time on the given prefix path
If the initial path has multiple routes, the last route is the one resource requirements are emitted for.
Spacing requirements
sequenceDiagram participant client as Client participant gen as Spacing resource generator client ->> gen: initial path + train movement loop gen ->> client: postfix path extension needed client ->> gen: extra postfix path end gen ->> client: resource requirements
After an initial path is given, the requirement generator can ask for more postfix path (before the start of the route).
Visualizing requirements
2.3 - Train simulation v3
This work is pending implementation, and has not yet been adjusted to reflect potential required adjustments.
These articles describe the design of the new train simulation system.
This system should be simpler and more stable than the current one, and should enable more advanced features in the future.
2.3.1 - Overview
This work is pending implementation, and has not yet been adjusted to reflect potential required adjustments.
After two years of extending a fairly simple simulation engine, it appeared that fundamental changes are required to meet expectations.
System requirements
The new system is expected to:
- handle reactions to signaling
- handle rich train state (pantograph position, battery state)
- allow for different margin algorithms
- integrate driver behavior properties
- be easy to integrate with timetable v2
- handle both:
- simulations of a full trip, with a complete known path, possibly following a schedule
- simulations where the path is discovered incrementally
- provide a low-level API, usable independently
In the long-term, this system is also expected to:
- be used to drive multi-train simulations
- handling switching rolling stock at stops
flowchart TD subgraph Input InitTrainState[initial train state] PathPhysicsProps[path physics properties] AbstractDrivingInstructions[abstract driving instructions] TargetSchedule[target schedule] end DrivingInstructionCompiler([driving instruction compiler]) ConcreteDrivingInstructions[driving instructions + limits] ScheduleController([schedule controller]) DriverBehaviorModule([driver behavior module]) TargetSchedule --> ScheduleController ScheduleController -- adjusts slowdown coefficient --> DriverBehaviorModule AbstractDrivingInstructions --> DrivingInstructionCompiler PathPhysicsProps --> DrivingInstructionCompiler ScheduleController -- tracks train state --> TrainSim DriverBehaviorModule -- makes decisions --> TrainSim ConcreteDrivingInstructions --> DriverBehaviorModule DrivingInstructionCompiler --> ConcreteDrivingInstructions InitTrainState --> ScheduleController TrainSim --> SimResults TrainSim([train simulator]) SimResults[simulation result curve]
Target schedule
The target schedule is a list of target arrival times at points specified along the path. To respect the schedule, the train may have to not use its maximum traction.
Train state
The train state is a vector of properties describing the train at a given point in time.
- position
- speed
- position of pantographs
- driver reaction times ?
- battery state ?
- time elapsed since the last update
Driving instructions
Driving instructions model what the train has to do along its path. They are linked to conditions on their application, and can interact with each other. They are generated using domain constraints such as speed limits or stops.
See the dedicated page for more details.
Path properties
Path properties are the physical properties of the path, namely elevation, curves and electrification.
Driver behavior module
The driver behavior modules update the train state based on:
- the current train state
- the path properties
- the driving instructions
- a slowdown coefficient (1 = no slowdown, 0 = full stop)
The train state changes should be physically realistic.
See the dedicated page for more details.
Schedule controller
The schedule controller manages the slowdown coefficient given to the driver behavior module in order to respect the target schedule.
It adjusts the slowdown coefficient iteratively, using a dichotomous search, re-simulating the train behavior between two time-targeted points.
Simulation results
The output of the simulation is the list of train states at each time step.
Design overview
The main idea of the new train simulator is to have a simulation which is computed step by step and not post-processed. This would ensure the physical consistency of the simulation.
The challenge is then to add ways to lose some time, in order to respect the target schedule.
This is done by iterating over the sections between two scheduled points, while adjusting a slowdown factor.
This slowdown factor would be used to control how the driver behavior module would lose time while still being
physically realistic.
See the driver behavior module dedicated page for more details.
In order to accommodate an infrastructure which could change with time (like signals), we introduce driving instructions.
These instructions are generated from the path properties and the target schedule, and are used to update the train state.
Instructions can be conditional, and can interact with each other.
The algorithm is described in detail in the dedicated page.
Design limits
- trains do not anticipate margin transitions: only the next target arrival time matters for finding the slowdown factor
2.3.2 - Prior art
The current implementation has a number of shortcomings making it pretty much impossible to evolve to meet current system requirements. It also has a number of less severe flaws, such as the over-reliance on floating point, especially for input and output.
The previous implementation cannot be changed to:
- react to signaling, as constraints stay the same as the simulation evolves
- handle rich train state vectors, due to the way margins are implemented
- be usable for both incremental simulation and batch
These limitations are the primary reasons for this redesign.
are defined as post-processing filter passes on simulation results. This has a number of undesirable side effects:
margin algorithms produce the final simulation results. They may produce physically unrealistic simulations results
because margins are applied after the simulation, the simulation can’t adjust to impossible margin values. Thus the simulation fails instead of giving a “best effort” result.
margin algorithms have no choice but to piece together results of different simulations:
- engineering margins are defined such that their effect has to be entirely contained within their bounds. even though it’s a desirable property, it means that simulations become a multi-pass affair, with no obvious way of keeping train behavior consistent across passes and boundaries.
- this can only be done if the train state is entirely described by its location and speed, otherwise simulation results cannot be pieced together.
- piecing together simulation results is very hard to execute reliably, as there are many corner cases to be considered. the algorithm is quite brittle.
how much time should be lost and where isn’t defined in a way that makes scheduled points implementation easy
when a transition between two margin values occurs, slow downs occur before value changes, and speed ups after value changes. This is nice in theory, because it makes the graphs look nicer. The downside is that it makes margin values interdependent at each slow-down, as how much speed needs to be lost affects the time lost in the section.
Input modeling
With the previous implementation, the simulation takes sequence of constraint position and speed curves as an input (continuous in position, can be discontinuous in speed), and produces a continuous curve.
The output is fine, but the input is troublesome:
- braking curves have to be part of constraint curves
- these constraint curves don’t have a direct match with actual constraints, such as speed limits, stops, or reaction to signal
- constraints cannot evolve over time, and cannot be interpreted differently depending on when the train reached these constraints
- constraints cannot overlap. the input is pre-processed to filter out obscured constraints
2.3.3 - Driving instructions
Driving instructions model what the train has to do, and under what conditions. Driving instructions are generated using domain constraints such as:
- unsignaled line speed limits
- permanent signaled speed limits
- temporary speed limits
- dynamic signaling:
- block / moving block
- dynamically signaled speed restrictions
- neutral zones
- stops
- margins
There are two types of driving instructions:
- Abstract driving instructions model the high-level, rolling stock independent range of acceptable behavior: reach 30km/h at this location
- Concrete driving instructions model the specific range of acceptable behavior for a specific rolling stock, using limit curves: don’t go faster than this curve
flowchart TD Constraint[constraint] AbstractDrivingInstruction[abstract driving instruction] ConcreteDrivingInstruction[concrete driving instruction] RollingStockIntegrator[rolling stock integrator] Compiler([compiler]) Constraint -- generates one or more --> AbstractDrivingInstruction AbstractDrivingInstruction --> Compiler RollingStockIntegrator --> Compiler Compiler --> ConcreteDrivingInstruction
After reviewing the design document, the necessity to distinguish between abstract and concrete driving instructions was questioned.
Indeed, it isn’t clear whether the limit curves are used for the driving instructions interpretation algorithm. If it isn’t, the computation of limit curves could be moved inside the driver behavior module.
TODO: remove this message or fix the design document after implementation.
Interpreting driving instructions
During the simulation, driving instructions are partitioned into 4 sets:
instructions may apply at some point in the futureRECEIVED
instructions aren’t enforced yet, but will be unless overriddenENFORCED
instructions influence train behaviorDISABLED
instructions don’t ever have to be considered anymore. There are multiple ways instructions can be disabled:SKIPPED
instructions were not receivedRETIRED
instructions expired by themselvesOVERRIDDEN
instructions were removed by another instruction
flowchart TD subgraph disabled skipped retired overridden end subgraph active received enforced end pending --> received pending --> skipped received --> enforced received --> overridden enforced --> retired enforced --> overridden
These sets evolve as follows:
- when an integration steps overlaps a
instruction’s received condition, it isRECEIVED
and becomes a candidate to execution- existing instructions may be
due to anoverride_on_received
- existing instructions may be
- if an instruction cannot ever be received at any future simulation state, it transitions to the
state - when simulation state exceeds an instruction’s enforcement position, it becomes
. Only enforced instructions influence train behavior.- existing instructions may be
due to anoverride_on_enforced
- existing instructions may be
- when simulation state exceeds an instruction’s retirement position, it becomes
When an instruction transitions to the RECEIVED
state, it can disable active instructions
which match some metadata predicate. There are two metadata attributes which can be relied on for overrides:
- the
allows overriding previous instructions for a given domain, such as spacing or block signaled speed limits - the
can be used as a “freshness” or “priority” field. If two instructions overriding each other are received (such as when a train sees two signals), the rank allows deciding which instruction should be prioritized.
This is required to implement a number of signaling features, as well as stops, where the stop instruction is overridden by the restart instruction.
Data model
struct ReceivedCond {
position_in: Option<PosRange>,
time_in: Option<TimeRange>,
struct InstructionMetadata {
// state transitions
received_when: ReceivedCond,
enforced_at: Position,
retired_at: Option<Position>,
// instruction metadata, used by override filters. if an instruction
// has no metadata nor retiring condition, it cannot be overridden.
kind: Option<InstructionKindId>, // could be SPACING, SPEED_LIMIT
rank: Option<usize>,
// when the instruction transitions to a given state,
// instructions matching any filter are overridden
override_on_received: Vec<OverrideFilter>,
override_on_enforced: Vec<OverrideFilter>,
enum AbstractInstruction {
SpeedTarget {
at: Position,
speed: Speed,
enum ConcreteInstruction {
SpeedTarget {
braking_curve: SpeedPosCurve,
struct OverrideFilter {
kind: InstructionKindId,
rank: Option<(RankRelation, usize)>,
enum RankRelation {
Design decisions
Lowering constraints to an intermediate representation
Early on, we started making lists of what domain constraints can have an impact on train behavior. Meanwhile, to simulate train behavior, we figured out that we need to know which constraints apply at any given time.
There’s a fundamental tension between these two design constraints, which can be resolved in one of two ways:
- either treat each type of constraint as its own thing during the simulation
- abstract away constraints into a common representation, and then simulate that
❌ Distinct constraint types
When we first started drafting architecture diagrams, the train simulation API directly took a bunch of constraint types as an input. It brought up a number of issues:
- the high diversity of constraint types makes it almost impossible to describe all interactions between all constraint types
- the domain of some of these interactions is very complex (block signaling)
- when simulating, it does not seem to matter why a constraint is there, only what to do about it
We couldn’t find clear benefits to dragging distinctions between constraint types deep into the implementation.
❌ Internal constraint types abstraction
We then realized that abstracting over constraint types during simulation had immense benefits:
- it allows expressing requirements on what constraints need to be enforceable
- it greatly simplifies the process of validating constraint semantics: instead of having to validate interactions between every possible type of constraints, we only have to validate that the semantics of each constraint type can be transferred to the abstract constraint type
We decided to explore the possibility of keeping constraint types distinct in the external API, but lowering these constraints into an intermediary representation internally. We found a number of downsides:
- the public simulation API would still bear the complexity of dealing with many constraint types
- there would be a need to incrementally generate internal abstracted constraints to support the incremental API
✅ External constraint types abstraction
We tried to improve over the previous proposal by moving the burden of converting many constraints into a common abstraction out of the simulation API.
Instead of having many constraint types as an input, the simulation API takes a collection of a single abstract constraint type. The task of converting domain constraints to abstract driving instructions is left to the API user.
We found that doing so:
- reduces the API surface of the train simulation module
- decouples behavior from constraint types: if a new constraint type needs to be added, the simulation API only needs expansion if the expected behavior expected for this constraint isn’t part of the API.
Interpreting driving instructions
As the train progresses through the simulation, it reacts according to driving instructions which depend on more than the bare train physics state (position, time, and speed):
- the behavior of a train on each block depends on the state of the last passed block signal
- if a train encounters a yellow light, then a red light, stops before the red light, and the red light turns green, the train may have to keep applying the driving instruction from the yellow signal until the green light is passed
Thus, given:
- set of all possible driving instructions (alongside applicability metadata)
- the result of previous integration steps (which may be extended to hold metadata)
There is a need to know what driving instructions are applicable to the current integration step.
Overrides are a way of modeling instructions which disable previous ones. Here are some examples:
- if a driver watches a signal change state, its new aspect’s instruction might take precedence over the previous one
- as block signaling slows a train down, new signals can override instructions from previous signals, as they encode information that is more up to date
We identified multiple filtering needs:
- overrides happen as a given kind of restriction is updated: SPACING instructions might override other SPACING instructions, but wish to leave other speed restrictions unaffected
- as multiple block signals can be visible at once, there’s a need to avoid overriding instructions of downstream signals with updates to upstream signals
We quickly settled on adding a kind field, but had a lengthy discussion over how to discriminate upstream and downstream signals. We explored the following options:
- ❌
metadata, which was rejected as it does not address the issue of upstream / downstream - ❌ adding identifiers to instructions, and overriding specific instructions, which was rejected as it makes instruction generation and processing more complex
- ✅ adding some kind of priority / rank field, which was adopted
2.3.4 - Driver behavior modules
Design specs
General pitch
Driver behavior modules are responsible for making driving decisions. Its main responsibility, given the state of the train and an instruction, is to react to the instruction. This reaction is expressed as a new train state.
To perform this critical task, it needs access to additional context:
- the physical properties of the path, which are used to make coasting decisions, and to model natural forces.
- a slowdown coefficient, which is used to adjust how much the train is slowed down compared to a full power simulation.
The driver behavior modules are supposed to have different implementations, which would interpret the slow down coefficient differently.
One driver behavior module is instantiated per driving instruction. It takes at initialization:
- a slowdown coefficient
- the driving instruction
- the path properties
It has two public methods:
enact_decision(current_state: TrainState, t: float) -> (TrainState, float)
Which returns what the next train state would be if there was only this one instruction to follow, and the time delta to reach this state.
truncate_integration_step(current_state: TrainState, potential_state: TrainState, t: float, dt: float) -> (TrainState, float)
Which returns a state and time delta which respects the instruction, and is as close as possible to the potential state.
At a given train state, we know which driving instructions are enforced.
For each enforced driving instruction, we query the corresponding driver behavior module.
This gives a set of different train states. From this, we coalesce a single train state which respects all instructions.
To do so, we:
- Find the states which are most constraining for “constraining properties” (speed and pantograph state).
- Most constraining state regarding speed is the one with the lowest acceleration (taking sign into account).
- Most constraining state regarding pantograph state is the one which sets the pantograph down the earliest.
- Interpolate the constraining states to the smallest
they are associated with. - Merge the constraining states into a single potential state:
- for speed, we take the lowest acceleration
- for pantograph state, we take the earliest pantograph state
- other properties should be identical
- Submit the potential state for truncation to all driver behavior modules, chaining the outputs of
There is a heavy underlying assumption that “constraining properties” can be combined in a new state which is valid. This underlies the step 3. It is not yet clear if this assumption will always be valid in the future.
Also: what component should be in charge of instantiating all the driver behavior modules with the right implementation ?
Here is a schema summarizing the process:
A short case for why step 4 is needed.
Here the constraints are in red, and the next state chosen by the driver behavior modules are in black.
In this example, the most constraining state is A, since it’s the one which accelerates the least. However, it overshoots constraint B, thus we need to select the state which respects both constraints.
Decision process
Unifying driver behavior and margin distribution algorithms
When this design project started, driver behavior was left completely undefined. We assumed that a set of driving instructions can be unambiguously interpreted given a starting point. This assumption was then decided to be relied on to search which margin speed ceiling yields expected arrival times.
We also knew this assumption to be false: there are many ways instructions can be interpreted. Worse yet, different use cases for OSRD have different needs:
- some users might want to reproduce existing timetables, which exhibit naive driver behavior: aggressive accelerations, aggressive breaking behavior.
- some users want to evaluate the feasibility of timetables, and thus want somewhat realistic driver behavior, with less aggressive acceleration and cautious breaking behavior.
To resolve this tension, we thought of adding support for pluggable driver behavior. Doing so, however, would create two ways a timetable can be loosened (loose time):
- lowering the margin speed ceiling
- making driver behavior less aggressive
Let’s say we want to loosen the timetable by 1 minute on a given section. It could be achieved by:
- lowering the speed ceiling using margins while keeping aggressive driver behavior
- making driving behavior very conservative, but using no margins at all
- lowering the speed ceiling a little, and making driving behavior a little more conservative
- any other combination of the two factors
This is an issue, as it might make simulation results unstable: because there possibly are many ways to achieve the requested schedule, it would be very challenging to reliably choose a solution which matches expectations.
- ❌ We considered ignoring the issue, as driver behavior was initially out of the scope of this design project. We decided not to, as we expected the cost of making later changes to integrate driver behavior to be significant.
- ✅ We decided to avoid this shortcoming by making margin distribution part of driver behavior. Driver behavior modules are controlled by a slowdown coefficient between 0 (loose as much time as shall be achieved) and 1 (loose no time).
Interfacing driver behavior, driving instructions, and numerical integration
Driver behavior can be formally modeled as a local decision function f
, which takes the state of the
train as an input, including position and speed, and returns an acceleration.
To best integrate this acceleration over the given time step, it is best not to use only the acceleration at (t).
Since it may vary a lot along [t, t+dt]. To approximate the acceleration within this interval,
we would need a better estimator, using a numerical method such as
RK4. Such estimator then needs to call f
multiple times.
A number of questions came up:
- should numerical integration within the driver behavior module, or outside
- are driver behavior modules queried about their reaction to a specific instruction, or in general
- does the driver behavior module return decisions, or parameters used to make decisions (such as curves)
- if decisions are returned, is it a force, an acceleration, or a new state
- if a new state is returned, how to deal with heterogenous time steps
- do we check decisions for correctness? that is, if a decision causes the train to overshoot a limit curve, do we do anything?
Do we have a single DBM for all driving instructions, or one per driving instruction?
We identified that this API choice shouldn’t constrain the implementation. We decided to go the conservative route and have one DBM per driving instructions as it reduces the API surface and relieves DBM from the responsibility of finding the most restrictive instruction.
How do we prevent overshooting?
We identified that DBMs need the ability to follow internal target curves (distinct from limit curves).
To do so we could either:
- Have a way to short-circuit our integration scheme, to snap to target curves without overshooting.
- Accept oscillations around target curves (and thus overshooting).
- Setup a feedback loop mechanism to avoid overshooting.
We decided that only the first option was desirable.
The design choices then are:
❌ Make the DBM as close as possible to a decision function
Then the DBM would not be aware of the time step it is called with, and would return an acceleration. Then the module should expose two methods:
One for taking decisions, akin to
Called several times depending on the integration method.One for correcting an integration step (i.e. a time step and a new state), if it happened to overshoot its internal goal curves (for example MARECO which sets it’s own speed limits).
Called on the integration step results from this DBM, and the other DBMs integration step results.
✅ The DBM returns a new state
The module would then expose two methods:
One for taking decisions, which, given a train state and a desired/maximum time step, returns a new state (which does not overshoot) and a new current time.
One for correcting an integration step (i.e. a time step and a new state), if it happened to overshoot its internal goal curves (for example MARECO which sets it’s own speed limits).
Called only on other DBMs integration step results.
How do we combine the decisions from all DBMs?
- For each state property, find the most constraining value and
. - Find the smallest
amongst constraining properties. Interpolate remaining properties to thisdt
, to build a provisional state. - Submit this provisional state for truncation to all DBMs and take the truncation with the smallest
To understand how this algorithm is designed, we need to consider two example cases:
- For steps 1 and 2: if a neutral zone and a breaking instruction overlap, both are most constraining to different state properties: the neutral zone affects pantograph state, and the breaking instruction affects speed. The final state has to be a combination of both.
- For step 3: We need to truncate integration steps to avoid overshoots, and thus avoid the need for feedback loops.
Ideally, we want to truncate to the exact overshoot location. This overshoot location is not the same as the initial
for the overshot constraint.
Should truncate_integration_step
depend on the driver behavior module?
Yes: DBMs may use internal representations that the new state should not overshoot. For instance, when passed a driving instruction with a speed limit of 60km/h, a DBM wishing to lose time may reduce the speed to 50 km/h.
2.4 - Search for last-minute train slots (STDCM)
OSRD can be used to find a slot for a train in an already established timetable, without causing conflicts with other trains.
The acronym STDCM (Short Term Digital Capacity Management) is used to describe this concept in general.
2.4.1 - Business context
Some definitions:
Capacity, in this context, is the ability to reserve infrastructure elements to allow the passage of a train.
Capacity is expressed in both space and time: the reservation of an element can block a specific zone that becomes inaccessible to other trains, and this reservation lasts for a given time interval.
It can be displayed on a chart, with the time on the horizontal axis and the distance traveled on the vertical axis.
Example of a space-time chart displaying the passage of a train.
The colors here represent aspects of the signals, but display a consumption of the capacity as well: when these blocks overlap for two trains, they conflict.
There is a conflict between two trains when they reserve the same object at the same time, in incompatible configurations.
Example of a space-time graph with a conflict: the second train is faster than the first one, they are in conflict at the end of the path, when the rectangles overlap.
When simulating this timetable, the second train would be slowed down by the yellow signals, caused by the presence of the first train.
Train slots
A train slot corresponds to a capacity reservation for the passage of a train. It is fixed in space and time: the departure time and the path taken are known. On the space-time charts in this page, a train slot corresponds to the set of blocks displayed for a train.
Note: in English-speaking countries, these are often simply called “train paths”. But in this context, this name would be ambiguous with the physical path taken by the train.
The usual procedure is for the infrastructure manager (e.g. SNCF Réseau) to offers train slots for sale to railway companies (e.g. SNCF Voyageurs).
At a given date before the scheduled day of operation, all the train paths are allocated. But there may be enough capacity to fit more trains. Trains can fit between scheduled slots, when they are sufficiently far apart or have not found a buyer.
The remaining capacity after the allocation of train paths is called residual capacity. This section explains how OSRD looks for train slots in this residual capacity.
2.4.2 - Train slot search module
This module handles the search for solutions.
To reduce the problem to its simplest form and for easy and efficient testing, inputs and outputs are strongly simplified and abstracted.
To summarize its behavior: the solution space is described as a graph that encodes locations, time, and speed. A pathfinding is run on this graph to find a solution.
This graph could, in a way, be seen as a decision tree, but different paths can lead to the same node. - Infrastructure exploration
The first thing we need to define is how we move through the infrastructure, without dealing with conflicts yet.
We need a way to define and enumerate the different possible paths and explore the infrastructure graph, with several constraints:
- The path must be compatible with the given rolling stock (loading gauge / electrification / signaling system)
- At any point, we need to access path properties from its start up to the considered point. This includes block and route lists.
- We sometimes need to know where the train will go after the point currently being evaluated, for proper conflict detection
To do this, we have defined the class InfraExplorer
. It uses blocks
(sections from signal to signal) as a main subdivision.
It has 3 sections: the current block, predecessors, and a “lookahead”.
In this example, the green arrows are the predecessor blocks. What happens there is considered to be immutable.
The red arrow is the current block. This is where we run train and signaling simulations, and where we deal with conflicts.
The blue arrows are part of the lookahead. This section hasn’t
been simulated yet, its only purpose is to know in advance
where the train will go next. In this example, it would tell us
that the bottom right signal can be ignored entirely.
The top path is the path being currently evaluated.
The bottom section of the path will be evaluated in a different
and already instantiated InfraExplorer
The InfraExplorer
is manipulated with two main functions
(the accessors have been removed here for clarity):
interface InfraExplorer {
* Clone the current object and extend the lookahead by one route, for each route starting at
* the current end of the lookahead section. The current instance is not modified.
fun cloneAndExtendLookahead(): Collection<InfraExplorer>
* Move the current block by one, following the lookahead section. Can only be called when the
* lookahead isn't empty.
fun moveForward(): InfraExplorer
is the method that actually enumerates the
different paths, returning clones for each possibility.
It’s called when we need a more precise lookahead to properly identify
conflicts, or when it’s empty and we need to move forward.
A variation of this class can also keep track of the train simulation
and time information (called InfraExplorerWithEnvelope
This is the version that is actually used to explore the infrastructure. - Conflict detection
Once we know what paths we can use, we need to know when they can actually be used.
The documentation of the conflict detection module explains how it’s done internally. Generally speaking, a train is in conflict when it has to slow down because of a signal. In our case, that means the solution would not be valid, we need to arrive later (or earlier) to see the signal when it’s not restrictive anymore.
The complex part is that we need to do the conflict detection incrementally Which means that:
- When running simulations up to t=x, we need to know all of the conflicts that happen before x, even if they’re indirectly caused by a signal seen at t > x down the path.
- We need to know the conflicts and resource uses right as they start even if their end time can’t be defined yet.
For that to be possible, we need to know where the train will go after the section that is being simulated (see infra exploration: we need some elements in the lookahead section).
To handle it, the conflict detection module returns an error when more lookahead is required. When it happens we extend it by cloning the infra explorer objects. - Encoding the solution space
General principle
The problem is still a pathfinding problem in a given graph. Once the problem is encoded as a graph search, it is possible to reuse our existing tools for this purpose.
We consider the product graph of position, time, and speed. This means that every graph element contains these 3 variables (among other things)
Every graph edge is computed using running-time calculation to get speed and positions as functions of time.
Graphical representation
Space is encoded with a graph that contains the physical infrastructure.
It is then “duplicated” at different times.
The nodes are then linked together in a way that reflects travel time.
- The graph is constructed on the fly as it is explored.
- It is discretized in time, to evaluate which nodes have already been visited. We keep full accuracy of time values, but two nodes at the same place and close times are considered identical.
- Every edge is computed with a running time computation.
- Speed isn’t discretized or considered to check visited nodes, it’s only used to compute time.
- By default, the train always goes as fast as it can (while still following standard allowances). It only slows down when necessary.
For example, with the following infrastructure, using the track graph:
Exploring the solution graph can give the following result: - Discontinuities and backtracking
The discontinuity problem
When a new graph edge is visited, a simulation is run to evaluate its speed. But it is not possible to see beyond the current edge. This makes it difficult to compute braking curves, because they can span over several edges.
This example illustrates the problem: by default the first edge is explored by going at maximum speed. The destination is only visible once the second edge is visited, which doesn’t leave enough distance to stop.
Solution : backtracking
To solve this problem, when an edge is generated with a discontinuity in the speed envelopes, the algorithm goes back over the previous edges to create new ones that include the decelerations.
To give a simplified example, on a path of 4 edges where the train can accelerate or decelerate by 10km/h per edge:
For the train to stop at the end of route 4, it must be at most at 10km/h at the end of edge 3. A new edge is then created on edge 3, which ends at 10km/h. A deceleration is computed backwards from the end of the edge back to the start, until the original curve is met (or the start of the edge).
In this example, the discontinuity has only been moved to the transition between edges 2 and 3. The process is then repeated on edge 2, which gives the following result:
Old edges are still present in the graph as they can lead to other solutions. - Conflict avoidance
While exploring the graph, it is possible to end up in locations that would generate conflicts. They can be avoided by adding delay.
Shifting the departure time
The departure time is defined as an interval in the module parameters:
the train can leave at a given time, or up to x
seconds later.
Whenever possible, delay should be added by shifting the departure time.
for example : a train can leave between 10:00 et 11:00. Leaving at 10:00 would cause a conflict, the train actually needs to enter the destination station 15 minutes later. Making the train leave at 10:15 solves the problem.
In OSRD, this feature is handled by keeping track, for every edge, of the maximum duration by which we can delay the departure time. As long as this value is enough, conflicts are avoided this way.
This time shift is a value stored in every edge of the path. Once a path is found, the value is summed over the whole path. This is added to the departure time.
For example :
- a train leaves between 10:00 and 11:00. The initial maximum time shift is 1:00.
- At some point, an edge becomes unavailable 20 minutes after the train passage. The value is now at 20 for any edge accessed from here.
- The departure time is then delayed by 5 minutes to avoid a conflict. The maximum time shift value is now at 15 minutes.
- This process is applied until the destination is found, or until no more delay can be added this way.
Engineering allowances
Once the maximum delay is at 0, the delay needs to be added between two points of the path.
The idea is the same as the one used to fix speed discontinuities: new edges are created, replacing the previous ones. The new edges have an engineering allowance, to add the delay where it is possible.
computing an engineering allowance is a feature of the running-time calculation module. It adds a given delay between two points of a path, without affecting the speeds on the rest of the path.
We used to compute the engineering allowances during the graph exploration, but that process was far too expensive. We used to run binary searches on full simulations, which would sometimes go back for a long distance in the path.
What we actually need is to know whether an engineering allowance is possible without causing any conflict. We can use heuristics here, as long as we’re on the conservative side: we can’t say that it’s possible if it isn’t, but missing solutions with extremely tight allowances isn’t a bad thing in our use cases.
But this change means that, once the solution is found, we can’t simply concatenate the simulation results. We need to run a full simulation, with actual engineering allowances, that avoid any conflict. This step has been merged with the one described on the standard allowance page, which is now run even when no standard allowance have been set. - Standard allowance
The STDCM module must be usable with standard allowances. The user can set an allowance value, expressed either as a function of the running time or the travelled distance. This time must be added to the running time, so that it arrives later compared to its fastest possible running time.
For example: the user can set a margin of 5 minutes per 100km. On a 42km long path that would take 10 minutes at best, the train should arrive 12 minutes and 6 seconds after leaving.
This can cause problems to detect conflicts, as an allowance would move the end of the train slot to a later time. The allowance must be considered when we compute conflicts as the graph is explored.
The allowance must also follow the MARECO model: the extra time isn’t added evenly over the whole path, it is computed in a way that requires knowing the whole path. This is done to optimize the energy used by the train.
During the exploration
The main implication of the standard allowance is during the graph exploration, when we identify conflicts. It means that we need to scale down the speeds. We still need to compute the maximum speed simulations (as they define the extra time), but when identifying at which time we see a given signal, all speeds and times are scaled.
This process is not exact. It doesn’t properly account for the way the allowance is applied (especially for MARECO). But at this point we don’t need exact times, we just need to identify whether a solution would exist at this approximate time.
The process to find the actual train simulation is as follows:
- We define points at which the time is fixed, initialized at first with the time of each train stop. This is an input of the simulation and indirectly calls the standard allowance.
- If there are conflict, we try to remove the first one.
- We add a fixed time point at the location where that conflict happened. We use the time considered during the exploration (with linear scaling) as reference time.
- This process is repeated iteratively until no conflict is found. - Implementation details
This page is about implementation details. It isn’t necessary to understand general principles, but it helps before reading the code.
This refers to this class in the project.
This class is used to make it easier to create instances of
, the graph edges. Those contain many attributes,
most of which can be determined from the context (e.g. the
previous node).
The STDCMEdgeBuilder
class makes some parameters optional
and automatically computes others.
Once instantiated and parametrized, an STDCMEdgeBuilder
has two methods:
makeAllEdges(): Collection<STDCMEdge>
can be used to create all the possible edges in the given context for a given route. If there are several “openings” between occupancy blocks, one edge is instantiated for each opening. Every conflict, their avoidance, and their related attributes are handled here.findEdgeSameNextOccupancy(double timeNextOccupancy): STDCMEdge?
: This method is used to get the specific edges that uses a certain opening (when it exists), identified here with the time of the next occupancy block. It is called whenever a new edge must be re-created to replace an old one. It calls the previous method.
The methods mentioned here are defined in this class.
Cost function
The function used to define pathfinding cost sets which path is used over another. The result is always the one that minimizes this cost (as long as the heuristic is admissible).
Here, two parameters are used: total run time and departure time. The latter has a very small weight compared to the former, so that the fastest path is found. More details are explained in the documentation of those methods.
The algorithm used to find a path is an A*, with a heuristic based on geographical coordinates.
However, the coordinates of generated infrastructures are arbitrary and don’t reflect the track distance. It means that, for the generated infrastructures, the path may not always be the shortest one.
It would be possible to use this heuristic to determine whether the current node can lead to a path that doesn’t take longer than the maximum allowed total run time. But for the same reason, adding this feature would break any STDCM test on generated infras. More details in this issue.
2.5 - Timetable v2
Design decisions
Some major changes were made between our first version of the timetable and the new one:
- Isolate the timetable table. It can be used in a scenario or in other contexts
- Have a soft reference from train schedule to rolling stock (to be able to create a train schedule with unknown rolling stock)
- Consider path and simulation output as cache (that don’t require to be stored in DB)
- We can compute pathfinding without having to store data
- All input needed to compute a path is stored in the train schedule (we can recompute it if needed)
- All input needed to run a simulation is stored in the train schedule (we can recompute it if needed)
Train schedule v2
: easy to keep consistent during editionfront
: intermediate invalid states than can be reached during edition have to be encodablefront
: when deleting a waypoint that is referenced by margins, the position of the deleted waypoint within the path must be preserved until the situation is resolvedimport
: path waypoint locations can be specified using UIC operational point codesimport
: support fixed scheduled arrival times at stops and arbitrary pointsimport
: train schedules must be self-contained: they cannot be described using the result of pathfinding or simulations
Design decisions
Path waypoints have an identity
At some point in the design process, the question was raised of whether to reference location of stops and margin transitions by name, or by value. That is, should stops hold the index of the waypoint where the stop occurs, or a description of the location where the stop occurs?
It was decided to add identifiers to path waypoints, and to reference those identifiers where referencing a path location is needed. This has multiple upsides:
- you can’t reference a location outside of the path
- when changing a waypoint’s location, for example from one station’s platform to another, no additional work is needed to keep the path consistent
- if a path goes to the same place multiple times, the identifier reference makes it clear which path location is referenced
- it makes keeping data consistent while editing easier, as all locations are kept in a single place
Invalid train schedules and soft deletes
If a user deletes a waypoint, what happens? Is it the front-end’s responsibility to only save valid schedules, or can invalid schedules be represented in the data model? We decided that it wasn’t just the front-end’s responsibility, as we want to be able to model inconsistent states, until the user comes back to fix it.
One key observation was that we do not want to lose the ability to locate within the path waypoints that were deleted, until all references are gone. How is the front-end supposed to display margin bounds or stops for a waypoint that’s gone, if it’s not there anymore?
We thus decided to add a deleted
soft-delete flag to waypoints. When this flag is set, the back-end runs simulations on the path, but still allows saving it. Once all references to a deleted waypoint are gone, it can be removed from the path. The backend can deny train schedules with stale deleted waypoints.
Separating path and stops
This decision was hard to make, as there are little factors influencing this decision. Two observations led us to this decision:
- when deleting a waypoint, the end user may want to preserve the associated stop. Making the separation clear in the data model helps with implementing this behavior correctly, if deemed relevant
- bundling stops into the path makes it harder to describe what fields
waypoints should have, and what should have a separate object and reference. It was decided that keepingpath
a simple list ofLocation
, with no strings attached, made things a little clearer.
No more engineering margins?
In the legacy model, we had engineering margins. These margins had the property of being able to overlap. It was also possible to choose the distribution algorithm for each margin individually.
We asked users to comment on the difference and the usefulness of retaining these margins with scheduled points. The answer is that there is no fundamental difference, and that the additional flexibility offered by engineering margins makes no practical sense (overlap and choice of distribution…).
Arrival times are durations since departure time
- this allows shifting the departure time without having to change arrival times
- we don’t have to parse dates and compute date differences within a single trip
We also discussed whether to use seconds or ISO 8601 durations. In the end, ISO 8601 was chosen, despite the simplicity of seconds:
- it preserves the user’s choice unit for specifying duration
- it interfaces nicely with the ISO 8601 departure time
- it does not suffer from potential integer-float serialization related precision loss
Invalid and outdated train schedules
Reasons for a train schedule to be invalid:
- Inconsistent train schedule (contains deleted waypoint)
- Rolling stock not found
- Path waypoint not found
- The path cannot be found
Reasons for a train schedule to be outdated:
- The train path changed
- The train running time changed
What we can do about outdated trains:
- Nothing, they’re updated without notification
- We can notify the user that a train schedule is outdated:
- Nothing can be done except acknowledge the change
- We can not check what changed between the old and new version
- We can not know the cause of this change (RS, Infra, Algorithms…)
Note: The outdated status is a nice to have feature (it won’t be implemented right now).
Creation fields
These fields are required at creation time, but cannot be changed afterwards. They are returned when the train schedule is queried.
timetable_id: 42
Modifiable fields
train_name: "ABC3615"
rolling_stock_name: R2D2
# labels are metadata. They're only used for display filtering
labels: ["tchou-tchou", "choo-choo"]
# used to select speed limits for simulation
speed_limit_tag: "MA100"
# the start time is an ISO 8601 datetime with timezone. it is not always the
# same at the departure time, as there may be a stop at the starting point
start_time: "2023-12-21T08:51:11.914897+00:00"
- {id: a, uic: 87210} # Any operational point matching the given uic
- {id: b, track: foo, offset: 10000} # 10m on track foo
- {id: c, deleted: true, trigram: ABC} # Any operational point matching the trigram ABC
- {id: d, operational_point: X} # A specified operational point
# the algorithm used for distributing margins and scheduled times
constraint_distribution: MARECO # or LINEAR
# all durations and times are specified using ISO 8601
# we don't supports months and years duration since it's ambiguous
# times are defined as time elapsed since start. Even if the attribute is omitted,
# a scheduled point at the starting point is inferred to have departure=start_time
# the "locked" flag is ignored by the backend.
# To specify signal's state on stop's arrival, you can use the "reception_signal" enum:
# - OPEN: arrival on open signal, will reserve resource downstream of the signal.
# - STOP: arrival on stop signal, will not reserve resource downstream of the signal
# and will trigger safety speed on approach.
# - SHORT_SLIP_STOP: arrival on stop signal with a short slip distance,
# will not reserve resource downstream of the signal and will trigger safety
# speed on approach as well as short slip distance speed.
# This is used for cases where a movable element is placed shortly after the signal
# and going beyond the signal would cause major problems.
# This is used automatically for any stop before a buffer-stop.
# This is also the default use for STDCM stops, as it is the most restrictive.
- {at: a, stop_for: PT5M, locked: true} # inferred arrival to be equal to start_time
- {at: b, arrival: PT10M, stop_for: PT5M}
- {at: c, stop_for: PT5M}
- {at: d, arrival: PT50M, locked: true, reception_signal: SHORT_SLIP_STOP}
# This example encodes the following margins:
# a --- 5% --- b --- 3% --- c --- 4.5min/100km --- d
# /!\ all schedule points with either an arrival or departure time must also be
# margin boundaries. departure and arrival waypoints are implicit boundaries. /!\
# boundaries delimit margin sections. A list of N boundaries yields N + 1 sections.
boundaries: [b, c]
# the following units are supported:
# - % means added percentage of the base simulation time
# - min/100km means minutes per 100 kilometers
values: ["5%", "3%", "4.5min/100km"]
# train speed at simulation start, in meters per second.
# must be zero if the train starts at a stop
initial_speed: 2.5
- {from: b, to: c, value: "M1C1"}
# Should we use electrical profiles to select rolling stock speed effort curves
use_electrical_profiles: true
Combining margins and schedule
Margins and scheduled points are two ways to add time constraints to a train’s schedule. Therefore, there must be a clear set of rules to figure out how these two interfaces interact.
The end goal is to make the target schedule and margins consistent with each other. This is achieved by:
- computing what the schedule would look like if only margins were applied
- compare that to the target schedule
- correct the margin schedule so that it matches the target schedule
The path is partitioned as follows:
- known time sections span between locations where the arrival time is known.
If there are
such locations, there areN - 1
known time sections. In these sections, margins need to be adjusted to match the target schedule. - If the arrival time at destination is unknown, the section from the last known arrival time point and the destination is called the relaxed time section has no bound. Margins can be applied directly.
As margins cannot span known time section boundaries, each known time section can be further subdivided into margin sections. Margins cover the entire path.
The end goal is to find the target arrival time at the end of each margin section. This needs to be done while preserving consistency with the input schedule.
Note that stops do not impact margin repartition. For example, the margin does not need to be proportionally distributed on each side of b
The same goes for points with arrival time. They impact whether the margin is respected or not, but they do not force the margin to be proportionally distributed on each side of the point.
The final schedule is computed as follows:
- A base simulation is computed, without any time constraint (other than stops). It’s used to compute provisional margin values.
- Make a provisional time table, which ignores target arrival times but includes provisional margin values.
- For each known time section, compute the adjustment required to make the provisional schedule match the target schedule.
- Distribute this difference into the known time section’s margin sections, proportionally to margin section running time. After distributing the adjustment into margin sections, the final schedule should be compatible with the target schedule.
Error handling
Some errors may happen while building the timetable:
- if a known time section’s required adjustment is negative, a warning must be raised, as margins will have to be lowered
- if a margin section’s final running time is tighter than the base simulation, it cannot be achieved, and a warning should be raised
Other errors can happen at runtime:
- target margin values can be too low, as transitions from high density margin to low margin section force the train to lose time after it has exited to high density margin section.
- target margin values can also be too high, as the train may not have time to slow down enough, or drive so slow as to be unacceptable.
During simulation, if a target arrival time cannot be achieved, the rest of the schedule still stands.
The mission model in OSRD is represented almost like a Train Schedule with the addition of 2 fields:
step: Duration (ISO 8601)
corresponds to the delay between each trainduration: Duration (ISO 8601)
which corresponds to the total duration of the mission.
A mission with a step of 15 min and a duration of 2 hours will see 8 trains running from the departure time.
POST /timetable
GET /timetable/ # Paginated list timetable
PUT /timetable/ID
DELETE /timetable/ID
GET /timetable/ID/train_schedules # Paginated list of train schedules
GET /timetable/ID/paced_trains # Paginated list of paced_trains
Train Schedule
POST /timetable/ID/train_schedules # A batch creation
GET /train_schedule/ID
PUT /train_schedule/ID # Update a specific train schedule
DELETE /train_schedule # A batch deletion
Paced Train
POST /timetable/ID/paced_trains # A batch creation GET /paced_train/ID PUT /paced_train/ID # Update a specific paced train DELETE /paced_trains # A batch deletion
### Path
POST /infra/ID/pathfinding/topo # Not required now can be move later POST /infra/ID/pathfinding/blocks
takes a pathfinding result and a list of properties to extract
POST /infra/ID/path_properties?props[]=slopes&props[]=gradients&props[]=electrifications&props[]=geometry&props[]=operational_points GET /train_schedule/ID/path?infra_id=42 # Retrieve the path from a train schedule GET /paced_train/ID/path?infra_id=42 # Retrieve the path from a paced_train
### Simulation results
Retrieve the list of conflict of the timetable (invalid trains are ignored)
GET /timetable/ID/conflicts?infra=N
Retrieve the space, speed and time curve of a given train
GET /train_schedule/ID/simulation?infa=N
Retrieve the space, speed and time curve of a given paced train
GET /paced_train/ID/simulation?infa=N
Retrieves simulation information for a given train list. Useful for finding out whether pathfinding/simulation was successful.
GET /train_schedule/simulations_sumary?infa=N&ids[]=X&ids[]=Y
Retrieves simulation information for a given paced train list. Useful for finding out whether pathfinding/simulation was successful.
GET /paced_train/simulations_sumary?infa=N&ids[]=X&ids[]=Y
Projects the space time curves and paths of a number of train schedules onto a given path
POST /v2/train_schedule/project_path?infra=N&ids[]=X&ids[]=Y
Projects the space time curves and paths of a number of paced trains onto a given path
POST /paced_train/project_path?infra=N&ids[]=X&ids[]=Y
## Frontend workflow
The frontend shouldn't wait minutes to display something to the user. When a timetable contains hundreds of trains it can take some time to simulate everything.
The idea is to split requests into small batches.
flowchart TB
InfraLoaded[Check for infra to be loaded]
RetrieveTimetable[Retrieve Timetable]
RetrieveTrains[Retrieve TS2 payloads]
SummarySimulation[[Summary simulation batch N:N+10]]
TrainProjectionPath[Get selected train projection path]
Projection[[Projection batch N-10:N]]
TrainSimulation[Get selected train simulation]
TrainPath[Get selected train path]
TrainPathProperties[Get selected train path properties]
DisplayGev(Display: GEV / Map /\n Driver Schedule/ Linear / Output Table)
DisplayGet(Display Space Time Chart)
DisplayTrainList(Display train list)
Conflicts(Compute and display conflicts)
ProjectConflicts(Display conflicts in GET)
InfraLoaded -->|Wait| SummarySimulation
InfraLoaded -->|Wait| TrainProjectionPath
InfraLoaded -->|Wait| TrainPath
TrainPath -->|If found| TrainSimulation
TrainPath -->|If found| TrainPathProperties
RetrieveTimetable -->|Get train ids| RetrieveTrains
RetrieveTrains ==>|Sort trains and chunk it| SummarySimulation
SummarySimulation ==>|Wait for the previous batch| Projection
SummarySimulation -->|Gradually fill cards| DisplayTrainList
TrainPathProperties -->| | DisplayGev
TrainSimulation -->|If valid simulation| DisplayGev
TrainProjectionPath -->|Wait for the previous batch| Projection
SummarySimulation -..->|If no projection train id| TrainProjectionPath
Projection ==>|Gradually fill| DisplayGet
SummarySimulation -->|Once everything is simulated| Conflicts
Conflicts --> ProjectConflicts
2.6 - Authentication and authorization
Context and requirements
- authentication (
) is the process of figuring out a user’s identity. - authorization (
) is the process of figuring out whether a user can do something.
This design project started as a result of a feature request coming from SNCF users and stakeholders. After some interviews, we believe the overall needs to be as follows:
- controlling access to features
- some users are supposed to only view results of operational studies
- some users only get access to part of the app
- not everyone can have access to the admin panel
- it could be nice to be able to roll experimental features out incrementally
- controlling access to data
- some infrastructures shall only be changed by automated import jobs
- users might want to control who can mess with what they’re currently working on
- rolling stock, infrastructure and timetable data may be confidential
Overall architecture
flowchart LR subgraph gateway auth([authentication]) end subgraph editoast subgraph authorization roles([role check]) permissions([permission check]) end end subgraph decisions permit deny end request --> auth --> roles --> permissions auth --> deny roles --> deny permissions --> permit & deny
The app’s backend is not responsible for authenticating the user: it gets all required information
from gateway
, the authenticating reverse proxy which stands between it and the front-end.
- at application start-up, the front-end redirects to the login page if the user is not logged in
- if the user is already authenticated, the gateway returns user metadata
- otherwise, the gateway initiates the authentication process, usually with OIDC. The implementation was designed to allow new backends to be added easily.
- once the user is authenticated, all requests to the backend can expect the following headers to be set:
contain a unique identifier for this identity. It can be thought of as an opaqueprovider_id/user_id
contain a username
When editoast receives a request, it has to match the remote user ID with a database user, creating it as needed.
create table authn_subject(
id bigserial generated always as identity primary key,
create table authn_user(
id bigint primary key references auth_subject on delete cascade,
identity_id text not null,
name text,
create table authn_group(
id bigint primary key references auth_subject on delete cascade,
name text not null,
-- add a trigger so that when a group is deleted, the associated authn_subject is deleted too
-- add a trigger so that when a user is deleted, the associated authn_subject is deleted too
create table authn_group_membership(
user bigint references auth_user on delete cascade not null,
group bigint references auth_group on delete cascade not null,
unique (user, group),
Group and role management API
- role management is protected by the
role. - groups management is subject to permissions.
Get information about a user
GET /authn/me
GET /authn/user/{user_id}
"id": 42,
"name": "Foo Bar",
"groups": [
{"id": 1, "name": "A"},
{"id": 2, "name": "B"}
"app_roles": ["ops"],
"builtin_roles": ["infra:read"]
Builtin roles are deduced from app roles, and thus cannot be directly edited.
Add roles to a user or group
This endpoint can only be called if the user has the role:admin
builtin role.
POST /authn/user/{user_id}/roles/add
POST /authn/group/{group_id}/roles/add
Takes a list of app roles:
["ops", "stdcm"]
Remove roles from a user or group
This endpoint can only be called if the user has the role:admin
builtin role.
POST /authn/user/{user_id}/roles/remove
Takes a list of app roles to remove:
Create a group
This endpoint can only be called if the user has the group:create
builtin role.
When a user creates a group, it becomes its owner.
POST /authn/group
"name": "Foo"
"app_roles": ["ops"],
Returns the group ID.
Add users to a group
Can only be called if the user has Writer
access to the group.
POST /authn/group/{group_id}/add
Takes a list of user IDs
[1, 2, 3]
Remove users from a group
Can only be called if the user has Writer
access to the group.
POST /authn/group/{group_id}/remove
Takes a list of user IDs
[1, 2, 3]
Delete a group
Can only be called if the user has Owner
access to the group.
DELETE /authn/group/{group_id}
As shown in the overall architecture section, to determine if a subject is allowed to conduct an action on a resource, two checks are performed:
- We check that the roles of the subject allows the action.
- We check that the subject has the minimum privileges on the resource(s) that are required to perform the action.
Subject can have any number of roles. Roles allow access to features. Roles do not give rights on specific objects.
Both the frontend and backend require some roles to be set to allow access to parts of the app. In the frontend, roles guard features, in the backend, roles guard endpoints or group of endpoints.
There are two types of roles:
- Builtin roles are bundled with OSRD. Only builtin roles can be required by endpoints. These roles cannot directly be assigned to users.
- Application roles can be assigned to users. These roles are defined in a configuration file that editoast reads at startup.
Here is an example of what builtin roles might look like:
allows assigning roles to users and groupsgroup:create
allows creating user groupsinfra:read
allows access to the map viewer moduleinfra:write
. it allows access to the infrastructure editor.rolling-stock:read
. Allows access to the rolling stock editor.timetable:read
allows read only access to operational studies. it impliesinfra:read
allows write access to operational studies. it impliesoperational-studies:read
. it allows access to the short term path request module.admin
gives access to the admin panel, and implies all other roles
Given these builtin roles, application roles may look like:
Roles are hierarchical. This is a necessity to ensure that, for example, if we are to introduce a new action related to scenarios, each subject with the role “exploitation studies” gets that new role automatically. We’d otherwise need to edit the appropriate existing roles.
Their hierarchy could resemble:
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%% flowchart TD subgraph application roles operational-studies-analyst operational-studies-customer end subgraph builtin roles rolling-stock:read rolling-stock:write infra:read infra:write timetable:read timetable:write operational-studies:read operational-studies:write end operational-studies-analyst --> operational-studies:write operational-studies-customer --> operational-studies:read infra:write --> infra:read rolling-stock:write --> rolling-stock:read operational-studies:read --> infra:read & timetable:read & rolling-stock:read operational-studies:write --> operational-studies:read & timetable:write timetable:write --> timetable:read classDef app fill:#333,color:white,font-style:italic classDef builtin fill:#992233,color:white,font-style:bold class stdcm,exploitation,infra,project,study,scenario app class infra_read,infra_edit,infra_delete,project_create,study_delete,scenario_create,scenario_update builtin
Permission checks are done by the backend, even though the frontend may use the effective privilege level of a user to decide whether to allow modifying / changing permissions for a given object.
Permissions are checked per resource, after checking roles. A single request may involve multiple resources, and as such involve multiple permission checks.
Permission checks are performed as follows:
- for each request, before any resource is accessed, compute which resources need access and required privilege levels
- figure out, for the request’s user, its effective privilege level for every involved resource
- if the user’s privilege level does not meet expectations, raise an error before any change is made
enum EffectivePrivLvl {
Owner, // all operations allowed, including granting access and deleting the resource
Writer, // can change the resource
Creator, // can create new sub resources
Reader, // can read the resource
MinimalMetadata, // is indirectly aware that the resource exists
trait Resource {
fn get_privlvl(resource_pk: u64, user: &UserIdentity) -> EffectivePrivLvl;
The backend may therefore perform one or more privilege check per request:
- pathfinding:
on the infrastructure
- displaying a timetable:
on each rolling stock
- batch train creation:
on the timetable
- conflict detection:
on the infrastructureReader
on the timetableReader
on every involved rolling stock
- simulation results:
on the infrastructureReader
on the rolling stock
A grant is a right, given to a user or group on a specific resource. Users get privileges through grants. There are two types of grants:
- explicit grants are explicitly attached to resources
- implicit grants automatically propagate explicit grants for objects which belong to a hierarchy:
- if a subject owns a project, it also owns all studies and scenarios
- if a subject can read a scenario, it knows the parent study and project exist
Explicit grants
- can be edited from the frontend
- any user holding grants over a resource can add new ones
- when a resource is created,
is granted to the current user - not all objects type can have explicit grants: train schedule inherit their timetable’s grants
-- this type is the same as EffectivePrivLvl, except that MinimalMetadata is absent,
-- as it cannot be granted directly. mere knowledge that an object exist can only be
-- granted using implicit grants.
create type grant_privlvl as enum ('Owner', 'Writer', 'Creator', 'Reader');
-- this table is a template, which other grant tables are
-- designed to be created from. it must be kept empty.
create table authz_template_grant(
-- if subject is null, this grant applies to any subject
subject bigint references authn_subject on delete cascade,
grant grant_privlvl not null,
granted_by bigint references authn_user on delete set null,
granted_at timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
-- these indices speed up cascade deletes
create index on authz_template_grant(subject);
create index on authz_template_grant(granted_by);
-- create a new grant table for infrastructures
create table authz_grant_EXAMPLE (
like authz_template_grant including all,
resource bigint references EXAMPLE on delete cascade not null,
unique nulls not distinct (resource, subject),
-- raise an error if grants are inserted into the template
create function authz_grant_insert_error() RETURNS trigger AS $err$
RAISE EXCEPTION 'authz_grant is a template, which other grant '
'tables are designed to inherit from. it must be kept empty.';
$err$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create trigger before insert on authz_template_grant execute function authz_grant_insert_error();
Implicit grants
Implicit grants propagate explicit grants to related objects. There are two types of implicit grants:
- explicit grants propagate downwards within hierarchies:
propagate as is,Creator
is reduced toReader
propagates up within project hierarchies, so that read access to a study or scenario allows having the name and description of the parent project
The following objects have implicit grants:
if the user has any right on a child study or scenariostudy
if the user has any right on a child scenarioOwner
if the user has such right on the parent study.Creator
is reduced toReader
if the user has such right on the parent study or project.Creator
is reduced toReader
s have the same grants as their timetable
Permission meta-model
Get the privilege level of the current user
GET /authz/{resource_type}/{resource_id}/privlvl
Get all grants for a resource
GET /authz/{resource_type}/{resource_id}/grants
"subject": {"kind": "group", "id": 42, "name": "Bar"},
"implicit_grant": "Owner",
"implicit_grant_source": "project"
"subject": {"kind": "user", "id": 42, "name": "Foo"},
"grant": "Writer"
"subject": {"kind": "user", "id": 42, "name": "Foo"},
"grant": "Writer",
"implicit_grant": "MinimalMetadata",
"implicit_grant_source": "project"
Implicit grants cannot be edited, and are only displayed to inform the end user.
Add a new grant
POST /authz/{resource_type}/{resource_id}/grants
"subject_id": 42,
"grant": "Writer"
Change a grant
PATCH /authz/{resource_type}/{resource_id}/grants/{grant_id}
"grant": "Reader"
Revoke a grant
DELETE /authz/{resource_type}/{resource_id}/grants/{grant_id}
Implementation plan
Phase 1: ground work
- pass the proper headers from the reverse proxy to editoast
- implement the authn / authz model into the database
- get / create users on the fly using reverse proxy headers
- implement the role parsing and book-keeping (it can be parsed on startup and leaked into a static lifetime)
- implement a proof of concept for roles using
and role management - implement a proof of concept for permissions by implementing group management
- implement a middleware within editoast which:
- attaches a UserInfo object to each request
- ensures that role / permission checks were performed. Implement two modules: log on missing check, abort on missing check.
- injects which checks were performed into response headers so it can be tested
- introduce the concept of rolling stock collections to enable easier rolling stock permission checking
- write a migration guide to help OSRD developers navigate the authorization APIs
- take into account builtin roles to decide which features to unlock
- design, validate and build a permission editor
- prepare graceful handling of 403s
Phase 2: migration
- incrementally migrate all endpoints, using the middleware to find missing checks
- switch the default action on missing permission check to abort
- add the permission editor to all relevant objects
- handle 403s, especially on scenarios, where read access on the timetable, infra, rolling stock collections and electrical profile is required
Design decisions
Simultaneous RBAC and ABAC
RBAC: role based access control (users have roles, actions require roles) ABAC: attribute based access control (resources have attributes, user + actions require attributes). ACLs are a kind of ABAC.
After staring at what users asked for and established authorization models allow, we figured out that while no one model is a good fit on its own:
- just RBAC would not allow fine grained, per object access control
- just ABAC would not allow guarding off access to entire features
We decided that each authorization model could be used where it shows its strength:
- RBAC is used to authorize access to frontend features and backend endpoints
- ABAC is used to authorize actions on specific objects
We found no success in our attempts to find a unifying model.
Not using any policy language
At first, we assumed that using a policy language would assist with correctly implementing authorization. After further consideration, we concluded that:
- no user asked for policy flexibility nor policy as code, and there does not seem to be any obvious use case not already covered by RBAC + ABAC
- the main policy language considered, cedar, makes it very awkward to implement single pass RBAC + ABAC
- the primary benefit of policy languages, policy flexibility, is still very much constrained by the data the policy engine is fed: for OSRD, feeding all grants, all users, all groups and all roles to the policy engine is not practical. we thus need filtering and careful modeling, which almost guarantees changes will be required if a new authz rule type were to be requested by a customer. Worse yet, these changes seem to require more effort than adapting the authz system if there were not policy language at all.
- as policy languages only deal with evaluating the policy, one can be introduced later if so desired
No implicit grants for infra, timetable and rolling stock
We felt like this feature would be hard to implement, and be likely to introduce confidentiality and performance issues:
- these objects may not be part of any operational studies, or multiple operational studies
- implicit grants are hard to implement, and risk introducing vulnerabilities
- infra, timetable and rolling stock are likely to be confidential
Instead, we plan to:
- delay implementing this feature until we figure out if the lack thereof is an UX issue
- if deemed required, implement it by checking, within the permission editor, whether all users having access to a scenario can access associated data, and suggesting associated permission changes
All resource types share the same permission management endpoints
We considered two patterns for permission management endpoints:
- a single set of endpoints for all resource types:
- separate set of endpoints per resource type:
We found that:
- having separate set of endpoints per resource types brought extra back-end and front-end complexity
- the only constraint of unified permission management endpoints is that all resource types need globally unique IDs
- the globally unique ID constraint is less costly than the extra complexity of separate endpoints
Dynamically enforce permission checks
Ideally, there would be static checks enforcing permission checks. However, we found no completely fool proof way to statically do so.
Instead, we decided that all permission checks will be registered with a middleware, which will either log or raise an error when a handler performs no check.
- during local development, the middleware logs missing permission checks as errors
- during continuous integration checks and production deployments, the middleware aborts on missing checks
2.6.1 - Editoast internal authorization API
This document is an annex to the main authorization design document
This design document is not intended to describe the exact editoast authorization API. The actual implementation may slightly differ. If major limitations were uncovered, please update this document.
Context and requirements
The following invariants were deemed worth validating:
- (high priority) role and privilege checks were performed
- (low priority) privilege checks are performed before changes are made / data is returned
- (low priority) access patterns match privilege checks
Other design criteria have an impact:
- (high priority) misuse potential
- (high priority) usage complexity and developer experience
- (medium priority) ease of migration
- (low priority) static checks are preferred
Data model
Builtin roles
First, we define an enum for all our builtin roles:
#[derive(Roles, EnumSetType, Copy)]
enum BuiltinRole {
#[role(tag = "infra:read")]
#[role(tag = "infra:write", implies = [InfraRead])]
#[role(tag = "rolling-stock:read")]
#[role(tag = "rolling-stock:write", implies = [RollingStockRead])]
#[role(tag = "timetable:read")]
#[role(tag = "timetable:write", implies = [TimetableRead])]
#[role(tag = "operational-studies:read", implies = [TimetableRead, InfraRead, RollingStockRead])]
#[role(tag = "operational-studies:write", implies = [OperationalStudiesRead, TimetableWrite])]
which could expand to:
#[derive(EnumSetType, Copy)]
enum BuiltinRole {
const ROLES: phf::Map<&'static str, BuiltinRole> = phf::phf_map! {
"infra:read" => Self::InfraRead,
"infra:write" => Self::InfraWrite,
"rolling-stock:read" => Self::RollingStockRead,
"rolling-stock:write" => Self::RollingStockWrite,
"timetable:read" => Self::TimetableRead,
"timetable:write" => Self::TimetableWrite,
"operational-studies:read" => Self::OperationalStudiesRead,
"operational-studies:write" => Self::OperationalStudiesWrite,
impl BuiltinRole {
fn parse_tag(tag: &str) -> Option<BuiltinRole> {
fn tag(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::InfraRead => "infra:read",
Self::InfraWrite => "infra:write",
Self::RollingStockRead => "rolling-stock:read",
Self::RollingStockWrite => "rolling-stock:write",
Self::TimetableRead => "timetable:read",
Self::TimetableWrite => "timetable:write",
Self::OperationalStudiesRead => "operational-studies:read",
Self::OperationalStudiesWrite => "operational-studies:write",
fn implies(&self) -> &[Self] {
match self {
Self::InfraRead => &[Self::InfraRead],
Self::InfraWrite => &[Self::InfraRead, Self::InfraWrite],
Self::RollingStockRead => &[Self::RollingStockRead],
Self::RollingStockWrite => &[Self::RollingStockRead, Self::RollingStockWrite],
Self::TimetableRead => &[Self::TimetableRead],
Self::TimetableWrite => &[Self::TimetableRead, Self::TimetableWrite],
Self::OperationalStudiesRead => &[Self::TimetableRead, Self::InfraRead, Self::RollingStockRead],
Self::OperationalStudiesWrite => &[Self::OperationalStudiesRead, Self::TimetableWrite],
Application roles
Application roles are loaded from a yaml file at application startup:
name: "DevOps"
description: "Software engineers in charge of operating and maintaining the app"
implies: [admin]
name: "STDCM customer"
implies: [stdcm]
name: "Operational studies customer"
implies: [operational-studies:read]
name: "Operational studies analyse"
implies: [operational-studies:write]
Once loaded into editoast, app roles are resolved to a set of user roles:
type UserRoles = EnumSet<BuiltinRole>;
struct AppRoleResolver(HashMap<String, UserRoles>);
/// The API does not allow querying app roles, as it should have no impact on authorization:
/// only the final resolved set of builtin roles matters.
impl AppRoleResolver {
fn load_from_config(&path: Path) -> Result<Self, E>;
fn resolve(&self, app_role_tag: &str) -> Result<UserRoles, E>;
Resources and grants
TODO: decide where to process implicit grants: database or editoast?
enum ResourceType {
struct Grant {
grant_id: u64,
subject: SubjectId,
privlvl: GrantPrivLvl,
granted_by: UserId,
granted_at: Timestamp,
async fn all_grants(conn, resource_type: ResourceType, resource_id: u64) -> Vec<Grant>;
async fn applicable_grants(conn, resource_type: ResourceType, resource_id: u64, subject_ids: Vec<SubjectId>) -> Vec<Grant>;
async fn revoke_grant(conn, resource_type: ResourceType, grant_id: u64);
async fn update_grant(conn, resource_type: ResourceType, grant_id: u64, privlvl: GrantPrivLvl);
Low level authorization API
struct PrivCheck {
resource_type: ResourceType,
resource_id: u64,
minimum_privlvl: EffectivePrivLvl,
/// The authorizer is injected into each request by a middleware.
/// The middleware finds the user ID associated with the request.
/// At the end of each request, it ensures roles and privileges were checked.
struct Authorizer {
user_id: u64,
checked_roles: Option<UserRoles>,
checked_privs: Option<Vec<PrivCheck>>,
impl FromRequest for Authorizer {}
impl Authorizer {
async fn check_roles(
conn: &mut DatabaseConnection,
required_roles: &[BuiltinRole],
) -> Result<bool, Error>;
async fn check_privs(
conn: &mut DatabaseConnection,
required_privs: &[PrivCheck],
) -> Result<bool, Error>;
This API is then used as follows:
async fn create_scenario(
path: Path<(i64, i64)>,
authz: Authorizer,
db_pool: web::Data<DatabasePool>,
Json(form): Json<ScenarioCreateForm>,
) -> Result<Response, Error> {
let conn, db_pool.get().await;
let (project_id, study_id) = path.into_inner();
// validate that study.scenario == scenario
authz.check_roles(&mut conn, &[BuiltinRoles::OperationalStudiesWrite]).await?;
authz.check_privs(&mut conn, &[(Study, study_id, Creator).into()]).await?;
// create the object
// ...
High level authorization API
🤔 Proposal: fully dynamic checks
This proposal suggests dynamically enforcing all authorization invariants:
- role and privilege checks were performed: The authorizer records all checks, and panics / logs an error if no check is made
- privilege checks are performed before changes are made / data is returned: checked database accesses (the default) cannot be made before committing authorization checks. No more authorization check can be made after committing.
- access patterns match privilege checks: Check database access functions ensure a prior check was made using the Authorizer’s check log.
Each database access method thus gets two variants:
a checked variant (the default), which takes the Authorizer as a parameter. This variants panics if:
- a resource is accessed before authorization checks are committed
- a resource is accessed without a prior authorizer check.
an unchecked variant. its use should be limited to:
- fetching data for authorization checks
- updating modification dates
async fn create_scenario(
path: Path<(i64, i64)>,
authz: Authorizer,
db_pool: web::Data<DatabasePool>,
Json(form): Json<ScenarioCreateForm>,
) -> Result<Response, Error> {
let conn, db_pool.get().await;
let (project_id, study_id) = path.into_inner();
// Check if the project and the study exist
let (mut project, mut study) =
check_project_study_conn(&mut conn, project_id, study_id).await?;
authz.check_roles(&mut conn, &[BuiltinRoles::OperationalStudiesWrite])?;
authz.check_privs(&mut conn, &[(Study, study_id, Creator).into()])?;
// all checks done, checked database accesses allowed
// ...
// create the scenario
let scenario: Scenario = data.into_scenario(study_id, timetable_id);
let scenario = scenario.create(db_pool.clone(), &authz).await?;
// Update study last_modification field
// Update project last_modification field
// ...
Bonus proposal: require roles using macros
TODO: check if this is worth keeping
Then, we annotate each endpoint that require role restrictions with requires_roles
async fn create_scenario(
user: web::Header<GwUserId>,
db_pool: web::Data<DatabasePool>
) -> Result<Response, Error> {
which may expand to something similar to:
async fn create_scenario(
user: web::Header<GwUserId>,
db_pool: web::Data<DatabasePool>
) -> Result<Response, Error> {
let conn = &mut db_pool.get().await?;
let required_roles = [BuiltinRoles::OperationalStudiesWrite];
if !editoast_models::check_roles(conn, &user_id, &required_roles).await? {
return Err(403);
async move {
🤔 Proposal: Static access control
This proposal aims at improving the Authorizer
described above by building on it a safety layer that encodes granted permissions into the type system.
This way, if access patterns do not match the privilege checks performed beforehand, the program will fail to compile and precisely pinpoint the privilege override as a type error.
To summarize, the Authorizer
allows us to:
- Pre-fetch the user of the request and its characteristics as a middleware
- Check their roles
- Maintain a log of authorization requests on specific resources, and check if they hold
- Guarantees that no authorization will be granted passed a certain point (
function) - At the end of an endpoint, checks that permissions were granted or
s otherwise
While all these checks are performed at runtime, those can be tested rather trivially in unit tests.
However, the Authorizer
cannot check that the endpoints actually respect the permission level they asked for when they access the DB. For example, an endpoint might ask for Read
privileges on a Timetable
, only to delete it afterwards. This is trivial to check if the privilege override happens in the same function, but it can be much more vicious if that happens conditionally, in another function, deep down the call stack. For the same reasons, refactoring code subject to authorizations becomes much more risky and error prone.
Hence, for both development and review experience, to ease writing and refactoring authorizing code, to be confident our system works, and for general peace of mind, we need a way to ensure that an endpoint won’t go beyond the privilege level it required for all of its code paths.
We can do that either statically or dynamically.
Dynamic access pattern checks
Let’s say we keep the Authorizer
as the high-level API for authorization.
It holds a log of grants. Therefore, any DB operation that needs to be authorized must, in addition to the conn
, take an Arc<Authorizer>
parameter and let the operation check that it’s indeed authorized. For example, every retrieve(conn, authorizer, id)
operation would ask the authorizer the permission before querying the DB.
This approach works and has the benefit of being easy to understand, but does not provide any guarantee that the access patterns match the granted authorizations and that privilege override cannot happen.
A way to ensure that would be to thoroughly test each endpoint and ensure that the DB accesses panic
in expected situations. Doing so manually is extremely tedious and fragile in the long run, so let’s focus on automated tests.
To make sure that, at any moment, each endpoint doesn’t override its privileges, we’d need a test for each relevant privilege level and for each code path accessing resources. Admittedly this would be great, but:
- it heavily depends on test coverage (which we don’t have) to make sure no code path is left out, i.e. that no test is missing
- it’s unrealistic given the current state of things and how fast editoast changes
- tests would be extremely repetitive, and mistakes will happen
- the test suite of an endpoint now not only depends on what it should do, but also on how it should do it: i.e. to know how to test your endpoint, you need to know precisely what DB operations will be performed, under what conditions, on all code paths, and replicate that
- when refactoring code subject to authorization that’s shared across several endpoints, the tests of each of these endpoints would need to be examined to ensure no check goes missing
- unless we postpone the creation of these tests and accept a lower level of confidence in our system, even temporarily(TM), the authz migration would be slowed down significantly
Or we could just accept the risk.
Or we could statically ensure that no endpoint override its requested privileges, using the typesystem, and be sure that such issues can (almost) never arise.
Static checks
The idea is to provide an high-level API for authorization, on top of the Authorizer
. It encodes granted privileges into the typesystem. For example,
for a request GET /timetable/42
, the endpoint will ask from the Authorizer
an Authz<Timetable, Read>
let timetable_authz: Authz<Timetable, Read> = authorizer.authorize(&[42])?;
The authorizer does two things here:
- Checks that the privilege level of the user allows them to
on the timetable ID#42. - Builds an
object that stores the ID#42 for later checks, which encodes in the type system that we have aRead
authorization on someTimetable
Then, after we authorizer.commit();
, we can use the Authz
to effectively request the timetable:
let timetable: Timetable = timetable_authz.retrieve(conn, 42)?;
The Authz
checks that the ID#42 is indeed authorized before forwarding the call the modelv2::Retrieve::retrieve
function that performs the query.
However, if by mistake we wrote:
let timetable = timetable_authz.delete(conn, 42)?;
we’d get a compilation error such as Trait AuthorizedDelete is not implemented for Authz<Timetable, Read>
, effectively preventing a privilege override statically.
On a more realistic example:
impl Scenario {
fn remove(
conn: &mut DatabaseConnection,
scenario_authz: Authz<Self, Delete>,
study_authz: Authz<Study, Update>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// open transaction
let cs = Study::changeset().last_update(Datetime::now());
study_authz.update(conn, self.study_id, cs)?;
This approach brings several advantages:
- correctness: the compiler will prevent any privilege override for us
- readability: if a function requires some form of authorization, it will show in its prototype
- ease of writing: we can’t write DB operations that ultimately wouldn’t be authorized, avoiding a potential full rewrite once we notice the problem (and linting is on our side to show problems early)
- more declarative: if you want to read an object, you ask for a
permission, the system is then responsible for checking the privilege level and map that to a set of allowed permissions. This way we abstract a little over the hierarchy of privileges a resource can have. - ease of refactoring: thanks rustc ;)
- flexibility: since the
has a reference to theAuthorizer
, the API mixes well with more dynamic contexts (should we need that in the future) - migration
- shouldn’t be too complex or costly since the
wraps theModelV2
traits - will require changes in the same areas that would be impacted by a dynamic checker, no more, no less (even in the dynamic context mentioned above we still need to pass the
down the call stack)
- shouldn’t be too complex or costly since the
- contamination: admittedly, this API is slightly more contaminating than just passing an
everywhere. However, this issue is mitigated on several fronts:- most endpoints in editoast either access the DB in the endpoint function itself, or in at most one or two function calls deep. So the contamination likely won’t spread far and the migration shouldn’t take much more time.
- if we notice that a DB call deep down the call stack requires an
Authz<T, _>
that we need to forward through many calls, it’s probably pathological of a bad architecture
The following sections explore how to use this API:
- to define authorized resources
- implement the effective privilege level logic
- to deal with complex resources (here
) which need custom authorization rules and that are not atomic (the budgets follow different rules than the rest of the metadata) - to implement an endpoint that require different permissions (
We define all actions our Authz
is able to expose at both type-level and at runtime (classic CRUD + Append for exploitation studies).
mod action {
struct Create;
struct Read;
struct Update;
struct Delete;
struct Append;
enum Cruda {
trait AuthorizedAction {
fn as_cruda() -> Cruda;
impl AuthorizedAction for Create;
impl AuthorizedAction for Read;
impl AuthorizedAction for Update;
impl AuthorizedAction for Delete;
impl AuthorizedAction for Append;
The motivation behind this is that at usage, we don’t usually care about the privilege of a user over a resource. We only care, if we’re about to read a resource, whether the user has a privilege level high enough to do so.
The proposed paradigm here is to ask the permission to to an action over a resource, and let the resource definition module decide (using its own effective privilege hierarchy) whether the action is authorized or not.
Standard and custom effective privileges
We need to define the effective privilege level for each resource. For most
resources, a classic Reader < Writer < Owner
is enough. So we expose that by default, leaving the choice to each resource to provide their own.
We also define an enum providing the origin of a privilege, which is a useful information for permission sharing.
// built-in the authorization system
#[derive(PartialOrd, PartialEq)]
enum StandardPrivilegeLevel {
enum StandardPrivilegeLevelOrigin {
/// It's an explicit privilege
/// The implicit privilege comes from a group the user belongs to
/// The implicit privilege is granted publicly (authz_grant_xyz.subject IS NULL)
trait PrivilegeLevel: PartialOrd + PartialEq {
type Origin;
impl PrivilegeLevel for StandardPrivilegeLevel {
type Origin = StandardPrivilegeLevelOrigin;
Grant definition
Then we need to associate to each grant in DB its effective privilege level and origin.
// struct AuthzGrantInfra is a struct that models the table authz_grant_infra
impl EffectiveGrant for AuthzGrantInfra {
type EffectivePrivilegeLevel = StandardPrivilegeLevel;
async fn fetch_grants(
conn: &mut DbConnection,
subject: &Subject,
keys: &[i64],
) -> GrantMap<Self::EffectivePrivilegeLevel>? {
where GrantMap<PrivilegeLevel>
is an internal representation of a collection of grants (implicit and explicit) with some privilege level hierarchy (custom or not).
Resource definition
Each resource is then associated to a model and a grant type. We also declare which actions are allowed based on how we want the model to be used given the effective privilege of the resource in DB.
The ResourceType
is necessary for the dynamic context of the underlying Authorizer
impl Resource for Infra {
type Grant = AuthzGrantInfra;
const TYPE: ResourceType = ResourceType::Infra;
/// Returns None is the action is prohibited
fn minimum_privilege_required(action: Cruda) -> Option<Self::Grant::EffectivePrivilegeLevel> {
use Cruda::*;
use StandardPrivilegeLevel as lvl;
Some(match action {
Read => lvl::Read,
Create | Update | Append => lvl::Write,
Delete => lvl::Own,
And that’s it!
The rest of the mechanics are located within the authorization system.
A more involved example: Studies
//////// Privilege levels
enum StudyPrivilegeLevel {
ReadMetadata, // a scenario of the study has been shared
Append, // can only create scenarios
enum StudyPrivilegeLevelOrigin {
Project, // the implicit privilege comes from the user's grants on the study's project
impl PrivilegeLevel for StudyPrivilegeLevel {
type Origin = StudyPrivilegeLevelOrigin;
///////// Effective grant retrieval
impl EffectiveGrant for AuthzGrantStudy {
type EffectivePrivilegeLevel = StudyPrivilegeLevel;
async fn fetch_grants(
conn: &mut DbConnection,
subject: &Subject,
keys: &[i64],
) -> GrantMap<Self::EffectivePrivilegeLevel>? {
// We implement here the logic of implicit privileges where an owner
// of a project is also owner of all its studies
//////// Authorized resources
/// Budgets of the study (can be read and updated by owners)
struct StudyBudgets { ... }
impl Resource for StudyBudgets {
type Grant = AuthzGrantStudy;
const TYPE: ResourceType = ResourceType::Study;
fn minimum_privilege_required(action: Cruda) -> Option<StudyPrivilegeLevel> {
use Cruda::*;
use StudyPrivilegeLevel as lvl;
Some(match action {
Read | Update => lvl::Own,
_ => return None,
/// Non-sensitive metadata available to users with privilege level MinimalMetadata (can only be read)
struct StudyMetadata { ... }
impl Resource for StudyMetadata {
type Grant = AuthzGrantStudy;
const TYPE: ResourceType = ResourceType::Study;
fn minimum_privilege_required(action: Cruda) -> Option<StudyPrivilegeLevel> {
use Cruda::*;
use StudyPrivilegeLevel as lvl;
Some(match action {
Read => lvl::ReadMetadata,
_ => return None,
/// A full study (can be created, read, updated, appended and deleted)
struct Study { ... }
impl Resource for Study {
type Grant = AuthzGrantStudy;
const TYPE: ResourceType = ResourceType::Study;
fn minimum_privilege_required(action: Cruda) -> Option<StudyPrivilegeLevel> {
use Cruda::*;
use StudyPrivilegeLevel as lvl;
Some(match action {
Read => lvl::Read,
Append => lvl::Append,
Create => lvl::Create,
Update => lvl::Write,
Delete => lvl::Own,
Concrete endpoint definition
async fn create_scenario(
authorizer: Arc<Authorizer>,
conn: DatabaseConnection,
db_pool: web::Data<DatabasePool>,
Json(form): Json<ScenarioCreateForm>,
path: Path<(i64, i64)>,
authz: Authorizer,
) -> Result<Response, Error> {
let conn, db_pool.get().await;
let (project_id, study_id) = path.into_inner();
let ScenarioCreateForm { infra_id, timetable_id, .. } = &form;
authorizer.authorize_roles(&mut conn, &[BuiltinRoles::OperationalStudiesWrite]).await?;
let _ = authorizer.authorize::<Timetable, Read>(&mut conn, &[timetable_id]).await?;
let _ = authorizer.authorize::<Infra, Read>(&mut conn, &[infra_id]).await?;
let study_authz: Authz<Study, Append> = authorizer.authorize(&mut conn, &[study_id]).await?;
let response = conn.transaction(move |conn| async {
let scenario: Scenario = study_authz.append(&mut conn, form.into()).await?;
2.7 - Editoast error management
Issues of the old system
- Mix between internal errors and API errors
- Errors are converted into
early, which means that a caller of a function returning aneditoast::Result
will have some troublematch
ing on the error returned- That means that it’s troublesome to add context to an existing error, or to wrap it into another higher-level one.
- We can’t track at compile-time which errors are returned by each function: that means that we don’t know for sure which errors an endpoint can return (without careful manual investigation at least…)
- Consequently, we hardly can declare in the OpenApi file what errors an endpoint precisely returns, degrading the editoast API quality
- The frontend still requires editoast to declare all its errors though, to ensure they are translated properly. To achieve that we dynamically collect each
using the crateinventory
. All the error descriptions collected are then transformed into OpenAPI schemas procedurally. On top of being a Rust antipattern (collecting state in proc-macros), this is complex to maintain on both editoast and frontend sides.- Not having each endpoint linked to the list of errors it can raise, also prevents the frontend easily handling errors properly.
- It’s still unclear how we should expose errors from Core.
- Have a clear separation between logically distinct errors.
- Dispose of a way to actually match on errors when they occur deeper in the stack
- Separate the error definition and their serialization.
- Establish how we want to forward Core’s errors.
- Tie the errors to the endpoint they originate from in the OpenAPI.
- Keep the same error format (for backward compatibility reasons to avoid involving the frontend too much).
- We must keep the
prefix in the error type.
- We must keep the
- The error must live until it is handled, conversion to our standard error format only happens in the response serialization.
- Errors must implement
. - Errors must be composable. This will typically be handled by
attribute. - Error variants must be shareable to ensure the deduplication of error kinds. For example, let’s say we have two functions
get_infra(id: usize)
andrename_infra(id: usize, name: String)
. Both functions error types have to include a variant describing the error case of an infrastructure not being found by its ID. However, we can’t duplicate something likeInfraNotFound { id: usize }
in both error types as this leads to two different error paths describing the same error case. This is especially problematic for error translation keys. We need to be able to define an errorInfraNotFound
and include it in both error types.- A unicity check may be performed in the post-processing of the OpenAPI file to ensure that each error has a unique error type.
- Each endpoint must provide all its error cases in the OpenAPI. (How the frontend will consume them is another problem that we’ll have to deal with.)
- As for OSRD errors, the
field of the error is populated in the views. - Errors can be handled in a generic manner (for situations where it makes some sense to do so).
- I.e.: some form of downcasting is available.
New system
- Rely on
everywhere. - Keep the
trait EditoastError
but only implement it for errors defined inviews
.- Since it is only used in
now, let’s rename it totrait ViewError
- Since it is only used in
- Create a proc-macro
which interfaces withderive(thiserror::Error)
. - The
is empty by default but can be provided by theimpl ViewError
. The macro is also able to take context providers. ViewError
fields are never serialized, unless explicitly provided. This shouldn’t be the case as it exposes editoast internals at the API level.impl<T: ViewError> utoipa::IntoResponses for T
(may be generated or inferred)- Errors should not implement
except for view errors (derive(ViewError)
) which generates animpl ViewError
used to serialize in the HTTP response. - Error cases that will be used repeatedly are defined as a
but stillderive(thiserror::Error)
. - The
of each variant is generated by the macro at the formatErrorTypeName::VariantName
, but can be provided explicitly if conflicts arise.editoast:
will be prepended systematically to indicate the service that raised the error.- Since this type is not guaranteed to be unique, we may implement a post-processing step to ensure errors with the same
have the same OpenAPI schema. - To ease the debugging process, an optional
will be provided inViewError
s containing a link to the GitHub file and line where the error is defined.
Nominal case
// in mod views;
fn get_resource(key: Key) -> Result<Resource, GetError> {
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum GetError {
#[error("ID not found")]
IdNotFound { id: u64 },
#[error("name not found")]
NameNotFound { name: String }
fn process_resource(resource: Resource) -> Result<Computation, ProcessingError> {
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ProcessingError {
#[error("Resource is invalid")]
InvalidResource { resource: Resource },
#[error("Resource is too old")]
OutdatedResource { resource: Resource }
(status = 200, body = Computation),
EndpointError, // impl utoipa::IntoResponse
async fn endpoint(Path(key): Path<Key>) -> Result<Json<Computation>, EndpointError> {
let resource = get_resource(key)?;
let value = process_resource(resource)?;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
pub enum EndpointError {
#[error("Resource not found")]
#[view_error(user)] // <=> status = 400
ResourceNotFound(#[from] GetError),
#[view_error(internal)] // <=> status = 500, default
ProcessingFailed(#[from] ProcessingError)
Share errors between crates
Since we require no other constraint that impl std::error::Error
for composition, it’s easy to nest errors using thiserror
// in editoast_models
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("postgres error: {0}")]
struct DbError(#[from] diesel::Error);
// in editoast_valkey (if we actually had that crate 👀)
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("valkey error: {0}")]
struct ValkeyError(#[from] redis::RedisError);
// in editoast_views, where diesel isn't available
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("invalid resource form: {0}")]
struct FormError(ResourceForm);
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
#[view_error(name = "CreateResourceError")] // schema name & error_type
enum CreateError {
#[error("will be overridden, but still useful for development")]
#[view_error(internal, name = "Database")]
Db(#[from] DbError),
#[error(transparent)] // shown to the user
InvalidForm(#[from] FormError)
async fn create(...) -> Result<Json<Resource>, CreateError> {
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
enum UpdateError {
Db(#[from] DbError),
Valkey(#[from] ValkeyError),
InvalidForm(#[from] FormError)
async fn update(...) -> Result<(), UpdateError> {
Ease composability
Nesting ViewError
We composed errors by nesting them thanks to thiserror
. However, to compose and reuse EditoastErrors
, we need a special flag so that when we attempt to serialize the error, we return the serialization of the source error directly.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
#[error("no such infra: {id}")]
#[view_error(context, status = NOT_FOUND)] // accepts http::StatusCode associated constants
struct InfraNotFound { id: u64 }
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
#[view_error(status = 401)]
struct Unauthorized;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
enum EndpointError {
NotFound(#[from] #[view_error] InfraNotFound),
Unauthorized(#[from] #[view_error] Unauthorized)
#[error("oh no")]
Full derive(ViewError)
The macro supports enums, named structs and tuple structs (fixme correct naming).
#[derive(thiserror::Error)] // not an EditoastError
#[error("wrong string: {0}")]
struct WrongString(String);
// error_type = "InvalidInt"
// context = { value: number }
#[derive(ViewError, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("wrong int: {value}")]
#[view_error(user, name = "InvalidInt")]
struct WrongInt { value: i64 };
#[derive(ViewError, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("my error type")]
enum MyError {
// error_type = "MyError::InvalidString"
// context = { expected_format: string }
// #[view_error(internal)] by default
InvalidString { #[from] source: WrongString, expected_format: String },
// error_type = "MyError::InvalidInt"
// context = { value: number } (xyz is skipped as we forward the ViewError)
WrongInt { #[from] #[view_error] source: WrongInt, xyz: String }
// error_type = "MyError::Bad"
// context = { "0": string, "1": number }
#[error("user did a bad with {0} and {1}")]
#[view_error(user, name = "Bad")]
Oops(String, i64)
Providing context
Context is computed just before the error is serialized in axum
’s error handler.
Note: it shouldn’t be used in editoast
as we now have enums variants we can match
on. The context
response field is meant to provide data potentially useful to the frontend so that it may perform some kind of error recovery.
provides a few ways to set it.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
enum Error {
NoContext { because: String }, // context = { }
#[view_error(user, context)]
AllFieldsIntoContext { reasons: Vec<String> }, // context = { "reasons": [string] }
// select (and maybe rename) some fields to include to the context
#[view_error(user, context(reason, recovery_id = "recovery"))]
SomeFieldsIntoContext {
reason: String,
recovery_id: String,
not_serializable: mpsc::Sender<()>,
not_wanted: u64,
}, // context = { "reason": string, "recovery": string }
// with a provider function
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
#[view_error(context_with = context_provider)]
enum Error {
Variant2(String, u64)
fn context_provider(error: Error) -> HashMap<String, serde_json::Value> {
About Core errors
The Core service is a bit special as it already returns errors with the common OSRD format. Since editoast doesn’t really need to parse and recover from Core errors1, we don’t need an exhaustive list of them. We still need to differentiate them from other editoast errors (let’s not start tossing InternalError
around again…) and to provide a key for the frontend to translate them.
Core errors are then “lightly” wrapped: we keep the error as a generic serde_json::Value
that we include into a struct CoreError
that we can augment with additional information about the request. This way, the original is preserved, forwarded to the frontend, but fits our new error paradigm.
// in editoast_core
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
struct CoreError {
/// RabbitMQ "endpoint"
rpc: String,
/// Request metadata
metadata: HashMap<String, String>,
/// The original error
error: serde_json::Value,
Note: the error
field is kept as a serde_json::Value
and not parsed (even though its format is standard) as we’re not supposed to perform any kind of analysis or recovery on it. If we end up parsing it in the future, that means we need a stronger mapping between Core errors and what editoast expects. The red flag will be more obvious if we end up manipulating a JSON dict instead of a proper structure.
Why do we need a derive macro?
The main issue with our error system is that the types we manipulate do not serialize to the error format we want. For example, an error defined like so:
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
struct MyError { cause: String, fix: String }
shouldn’t be serialized as:
"cause": "Emperor Zurg",
"fix": "Buzz Lightyear"
like serde::Serialize
would do, but as:
"error_type": "editoast:MyError",
"status": 500,
"message": "Emperor Zurg",
"context": {
"cause": "Emperor Zurg",
"fix": "Buzz Lightyear",
making derive(serde::Serialize)
basically useless for our errors. On top of that, since by design the derive macros of utoipa
, IntoResponse
especially) interpret the type structure like derive(serde::Serialize)
would do, we can’t rely on them either. Therefore we need a custom derive macro to convey the structural information of the type at runtime, while still allowing a custom Serialize
and IntoResponse
Another solution would be to shift our error definition paradigm and orient ourselves to a system without code generation (probably using a combination of traits and builders). This would imply to rewrite all our errors and their handling, which is costly 🤑🫰. We’d also have to get rid of the convenience of thiserror
, a huge loss in terms of ergonomics. And that would break the consistency with the other sub-crates of editoast.
The macro doesn’t even have to be overly complex. The trait ViewError
could be responsible of translating the static type definition into an associated constant, which would be used to compute data produced at runtime. (Ie. impl axum::IntoResponse for T: ViewError
and impl utoipa::IntoResponses for T: ViewError
.) This would reduce the amount of generated code, at the expense of more complex data manipulation at runtime.
Going this deep into the implementation is not the goal of this document: the best way to do things will be decided when the migration work will start.
Implementation plan
We’ll need a progressive migration as this implies too much change to fit in a single PR. EditoastError
and ViewError
will have to cohabit for some time.
- Create the
trait views::ViewError
- Implement an
to generate a standard OSRD error response payload - Add a post-processing step to the OpenAPI generation to ensure the consistency of error status codes. More details below.
- Create a derive macro
that interfaces withthiserror::Error
API and generates at leastimpl ViewError
- The macro may generate an
impl utoipa::IntoResponses
that tellsutoipa
what to expect in the response payloads. This trait may be auto-implemented for eachViewError
type (we’ll see how things go in the implementation). - We’ll have to change the frontend error keys collection script almost entirely by the end of this migration. We could update it to also look for errors in the OpenAPI routes response section but that’s extra work which brings little benefits. We accept a temporary desync of the error keys while this migration is ongoing.
The easier way to proceed here would be, to start by converting simple errors that occur deep in the stack (such as Postgres errors, Valkey errors, Core errors, etc.). This way, we can rely on the Rust compiler to guide us through the process and ensure we don’t forget any error. We’ll need some kind of adapters to incorporate these errors into EditoastError
s. We may find a generic way to do that, but that’s more an implementation detail, especially since that would be temporary.
A good starting place would be editoast_search
2 because its internal errors do not implement EditoastError
already. Valkey errors may also be a decent candidate.
One large change that will have to be atomic will be the adaptation of Model
’s errors3.
Wrapping up things
Eventually, when all errors are converted and views errors are attached to their endpoint(s) in the OpenAPI, we’ll have to:
- Remove
trait EditoastError
andstruct InternalError
(at least its former version as the name may be reused in a different scope) - Adapt the frontend error keys collection script to look for errors in the OpenAPI routes response section instead of
- (Out of scope) Discuss with the frontend the level of visibility about internal errors we want to give the user
Rejected ideas
Anonymous enums
Rejected because it wouldn’t be trivial to implement the multiple From<T, U, ..> for EnumX<T, U, ..>
without negative type parameters or the fallback type (unstable). That’s necessary to make the EnumX
usage transparent and avoid using T1
, …, Tn
variants explicitly. The crate anon_enum
deals with this issue by not providing the feature, so it won’t help either.
Since we now have to really manage errors happening in every function as precisely as possible, there will likely be a lot of error enums going around. This may be a hassle and wrongfully encourage returning Option
as an error. To circumvent that, an easy (albeit opinionated) QoL feature would be to use anonymous enums.
fn get_resource(id: u64) -> Result<Resource, Enum3<DbError, ValkeyError, MissingResourceError>> {
fn process_resource(resource: Resource) -> Result<Computation, Enum2<DbError, ProcessingError> {
(status = 200, body = Computation),
(status = 400, body = EndpointError)
async fn endpoint(Path(key): Path<Key>) -> Result<Json<Computation>, EndpointError> {
let resource = get_resource(key)?;
let value = process_resource(resource)?;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, ViewError)]
pub enum EndpointError {
Db(#[from] DbError),
Valkey(#[from] ValkeyError),
Missing(#[from] MissingResourceError)
Processing(#[from] ProcessingError)
The implementation of the EnumX
type would be rather easy to generate for many tuple sizes. The crate anon_enum exists but if we choose to use this pattern, it’s probably better to have our own type for greater flexibility and avoid another dependency.
Incident reports
Rejected because it would be another mechanism to maintain with little benefits: errors are already persisted using opentelemetry, and for “internal server errors”, it’s up to the frontend to choose how much details is shown to the user.
For internal
errors that won’t contain meaningful information for the end user, we substitute the error by:
"error_type": "InternalError",
"message": "<a meaningful message>",
"status": 500,
"context": {},
"incident": "<uuid>"
In order to be able to find and investigate the error later on, we associate to each 5xx
error a unique incident
identifier. At first we’ll just log the incident with:
- the error message
- the error
representation - the backtrace(s), if any
The log entry will be persisted in datadog/jaeger so it’s probably good enough at first.
It’s useful in development to have the real error shown in the interface instead of just “Internal error”. We can set an environment variable OSRD_DEV=1
to avoid replacing the error in the axum
Core errors will likely never be recoverable from either editoast or the frontend. For the latter, such errors are likely to be displayed as a generic “Internal error” message. So no translation is needed. For these reasons, we don’t need to pass them in the OpenAPI. However, if in the future, we want editoast to actually parse Core errors, ensuring a proper mapping will still be possible. ↩︎
Provided we start this migration before the rewrite of the search engine. ↩︎
This work has already started at the time of writing. ↩︎
2.8 - Scalable async RPC
TODO: create another document describing RPC interactions between core and editoast
Context and requirements
Without this proposal, editoast directly makes calls to core using http. Using k8s, if multiple core workers are started, requests are randomly distributed to core workers.
This architecture brings a number of issues:
- To respond to a request, the core worker need to hold the request’s full infrastructure in memory. Workers do not have enough memory to hold all infrastructures in memory. Requests thus need to be routed to core workers specialized by infrastructure, which cannot be easily done using http.
- If too many requests are dispatched to a busy core worker, they will just time out.
- There is no easy way to scale up the number of workers to react to increased load.
- Because calls need to complete within the timeout of the client’s http requests, the system falls apart when latency increases due to load.
This proposal intends to address these issues by introducing an RPC system which:
- manages specialized workers
- automatically scales specialized workers
high priority
the RPC protocol between editoast and core should be the same for development and production setupshigh priority
requests are dispatched to specialized workershigh priority
the RPC system should be stateless and failure-resilientlow priority
the complexity of the local development setup should not increase
not a goal
streaming events to the front-endnot a goal
reliable response processingnot a goal
flowchart TD client osrdyne worker-pool worker-group worker-group-queue worker worker-pool -- contains --> worker-group worker-group -- contains and manages --> worker client -- pub --> worker-group-queue worker-group -- has a --> worker-group-queue worker -- sub --> worker-group-queue osrdyne -- manages --> worker-pool osrdyne -- manages --> worker-group osrdyne -- manages --> worker-group-queue
Clients submit RPC requests to the message queue. RPC requests are published using AMQP 0.9.1.
For example, editoast
would be a client.
Worker key
Every submitted request includes a requested worker-key
, as the message’s routing-key
The key is what identifies which worker group will process the request.
Workers known their worker key at startup. All workers in a worker group have the same worker key. It is an arbitrary utf-8 string set by the client, whose meaning is not defined by the RPC protocol:
- It could just be a way to have separate processing queues. In this case, workers may not care about what their is.
- There could be an extra layer of protocol between client and worker about how the key is meant to be interpreted
Here are some examples of how such protocols may work:
- it could be the identifier of a resource to act upon:
- it could be the identifiers of multiple resources:
- it could even be, even though that’s probably not a good idea, random worker settings:
Worker pools
Worker pools are collections of workers of the same type, which can be specialized by key. osrdyne creates an exchange for each worker pool, where clients can submit requests.
For example, core
would be a worker pool.
Worker group
Worker groups are collections of workers of the same pool and key, processing messages from the same queue. Worker groups are responsible for scaling the number of workers depending on queue length and processing rate.
Worker groups are managed by osrdyne. osrdyne should support multiple worker group drivers:
- a keda k8s driver
- a k8s autoscaler driver
- a docker driver
- a subprocess driver, where a single worker is started as a subprocess for each worker group
- a systemd template unit driver
- a noop driver, where workers have to be started manually
For example, each core
worker group handles a given infrastructure.
A worker is a server processing requests from its worker group queue. Worker have a key.
For example, core
workers are keyed by infrastructure.
- manages all exchanges, policies, queues and bindings
- starts and stops worker groups as needed
- generates error responses if the worker group fails to respond
Each osrdyne instance manages a worker pool. See the dedicated section.
RPC protocol
Client protocol
Requests are submitted using AMQP 0.9.1’s basic.publish
AMQP field | semantics |
exchange | worker pool identifier |
routing-key | requested key |
correlation-id | an optional request id. The response will copy this field. |
reply-to property | optional response queue |
mandatory | true to ensure an error is returned if the message cannot be routed |
The body of the request will be dispatched to a worker of the requested pool and key. The request is guaranteed to be dispatched at least once
The response format is as follows:
AMQP field | semantics |
correlation-id | the correlation ID from the request |
x-status property | either ok , or the reason for dead lettering, taken from the request’s x-first-death-reason |
body | optional response data |
Worker protocol
When starting workers, the worker group driver provides:
Variable name | semantics |
WORKER_ID | a unique identifier for this worker |
WORKER_KEY | the worker key |
WORKER_POOL | the name of the worker pool |
WORKER_REQUESTS_QUEUE | the queue to consume work from |
WORKER_ACTIVITY_EXCHANGE | the exchange to publish events to |
Workers then have to:
- publish a
activity report message - subscribe to
- for each request message:
- publish a
activity report message - if the worker cannot process the request, it can request a requeue using
- build and publish a response to the default exchange
the request
- publish a
Worker response protocol
Responses are submitted using AMQP 0.9.1’s basic.publish
AMQP field | semantics |
exchange | worker pool identifier |
routing-key | requested key |
reply-to property | optional response queue |
Worker activity reports
Workers report the following activity events:
: the worker is about to start processing requestsrequest-received
: a request was received
AMQP field | value |
routing-key | WORKER_KEY |
x-event property | the event type |
Message passing architecture
For a full reference of all exchanges and queues, see the exchanges and queues section
Message lifetime
flowchart TD received processed received --> requests received -- alternate exchange --> orphans orphans -- controller starts worker group --> requests requests -- dead letter --> dlx dlx -- controller generates error --> processed requests -- worker responds --> processed
Service architecture
flowchart TD client subgraph RPC layer rabbitmq[RabbitMQ] osrdyne[osrdyne] end subgraph worker-group[worker group] worker end client -- enqueues --> rabbitmq osrdyne -- sub orphan messages --> rabbitmq osrdyne -- manages queues --> rabbitmq osrdyne -- starts and stops --> worker-group osrdyne -- sub activity events --> rabbitmq worker -- sub requests --> rabbitmq worker -- pub responses --> rabbitmq worker -- pub activity events --> rabbitmq
stops and starts worker groups following demandworker
processes requests dequeued from rabbitmq
Life of an RPC call
In this example:
is the client- it makes a request to the
worker pool - the
worker pool is keyed on infrastructures
Fast path
- Editoast publishes a request message to
. If the message expects a reply,reply-to
is set. - If the
exchange already has binding for worker group42
, a worker picks up the request - The worker processes the request, and uses the
field to submit a response. - The worker ACKs the request.
Worker group startup
These steps only occur if the worker group / queue has not yet started:
- If there is no queue bound to routing key
, the message is routed to thecore-orphan-xchg
exchange. This exchange is a fanout exchange with a single queue, whereosrdyne
processes messages. osrdyne
processes the message:- creates queue
, binds it to thecore
exchange on routing key42
- forward the message to exchange
- ACK the original message once the original is forwarded
- start worker group
- creates queue
- the worker group starts up and processes the request
osrdyne architecture
flowchart TD %% inputs activity-queue([activity queue]) orphan-queue([orphan queue]) dead-letter-queue([dead letter queue]) rabbitmq-api[RabbitMQ HTTP API] %% components orphan-processor[orphan processor] dead-letter-responder[dead letter responder] subgraph pool manager pool-state-tracker[pool state tracker] wgs-control-loop[worker groups control loop] req-queues-control-loop[request queues control loop] end wg-driver[worker group driver] %% outputs request-xchg([request exchange]) poison-inventory([poison request inventory]) response([response queue]) %% relations dead-letter-queue -- sub --> dead-letter-responder --> response & poison-inventory orphan-queue -- sub --> orphan-processor -- forward --> request-xchg orphan-processor -- request worker group start --> pool-state-tracker orphan-processor -- wait for execution --> req-queues-control-loop rabbitmq-api -- initial queue list --> pool-state-tracker activity-queue -- worker activity --> pool-state-tracker pool-state-tracker -- expected state --> wgs-control-loop & req-queues-control-loop wgs-control-loop -- start / stop --> wg-driver
the pool manager is the most complex component of osrdyne. It is in charge of creating, deleting request queues, and deciding which worker groups should be running at any given time. To make such decisions, it needs:
- the ability to list existing queues at startup, which is done using the RabbitMQ HTTP API
- worker activity events, to know which queues are active
- queue creation commands from the orphan processor
The pool manager runs two control loops:
- the worker groups control loop starts and stops worker groups using the worker group driver
- the request queues control loop creates and deletes request queues
the orphan processor reacts to orphan messages by sending worker group start commands to the worker group manager
the dead letter responder:
- responds errors to dead lettered messages following the worker protocol
- if a message is deemed to have caused repeated worker crashes, publish to the poison inventory
On worker pool startup:
- create and bind all exchanges and queues
- configure the TTL, delivery timeout and delivery limit policies using the HTTP API
- start the orphan processor, dead letter responder and worker group manager
Exchanges and queues
osrdyne creates a number of exchanges and queues. Most of the setup is done per worker pool, except for worker group request queues.
Worker pool exchanges:
- pool requests exchange
, typedirect
:- alternate exchange is
- dead letter exchange is
- worker group request queues are bound to this exchange
- alternate exchange is
- orphan exchange
, typefanout
- dead letter exchange
, typefanout
- activity queue
, typefanout
Worker pool queues:
- dead letter queue
, bound to{pool}-dl-xchg
(exclusive) - orphan queue
, bound to{pool}-orphan-xchg
(exclusive) - worker activity queue
, bound to{pool}-activity-xchg
- poison queue
. Used to collect messages which could not be processed, supposedly due to worker crash
Worker group queues:
- request queue
, bound by key to{pool}-req-xchg
Worker group manager
The worker group manager has three internal components:
- the pool state tracker tracks the expected status of worker groups
- the request queues control loop applies changes to worker group request queues
- the worker groups control loop applies changes to worker groups
The state tracker assigns a 64 bit generation identifier to each expected state. The two control loops report the last synchronized state.
When the orphan processor wants to start a worker group, it has to:
- tell the state tracker, which gives a generation identifier for the new expected state
- wait until the request queue control loop has caught up to this generation and has created the queue (which may be delayed due to networking issues)
Pool state tracker
stateDiagram-v2 Inactive --> Active: received request Active --> Unbound: unbind delay elapsed Unbound --> Inactive: stop delay elapsed Unbound --> Active: received request
Two time constants govern how the expected state of worker groups evolves:
delay until the queue transitions fromActive
delay until the worker group is stopped
The state tracker has the following API:
enum WGStatus {
struct Generation(u64);
struct PoolState {
generation: Generation,
wgs: im::OrdMap<String, WGStatus>,
trait PoolStateTracker {
fn new(initial_worker_groups: Vec<String>) -> Self;
/// Require some worker group to be active. The extra lifetime adds active duration compared to the configured spool down schedule.
/// This allows the worker activity processor to debounce activity events without lowering the active time of worker groups.
/// Returns the state generation where this worker group starts being active.
async fn require_worker_group(&self, key: &str, extra_lifetime: Duration) -> Generation;
/// Subscribe to a stream of target pool state updates
async fn subscribe(&self) -> tokio::sync::watch::Receiver<PoolState>;
Request queues control loop
The request queue control loop takes care of creating, binding, unbinding and stopping request queues. It subscribes to the pool state tracker, and reacts to state changes.
It exposes the following API, which is used by the orphan processor to wait for updates to propagate:
struct ReqQueueStatus {
expected: Option<WGStatus>,
actual: Option<WGStatus>,
struct ReqQueuesState {
generation: Generation,
queues: im::OrdMap<String, ReqQueueStatus>,
trait RequestQueueControlLoop {
fn new(target: tokio::sync::watch::Receiver<PoolState>) -> Self;
fn subscribe(&self) -> tokio::sync::watch::Receiver<ReqQueuesState>;
it runs the following control loop:
- fetch the set of
ly active request queues - control loop:
- for each queue in
and not incurrent
:- attempt to create the queue
- if successful, update the current set
- for each queue in
and not inexpected
:- attempt to remove the queue, if empty and unused
- if successful, update the current set
- for each waiting orphan processor, release if the condition is met
- for each queue in
The control loop runs when current
!= expected
, or when expected
Worker groups control loop
osrdyne is responsible for starting and stopping worker groups following demand. It it NOT responsible for scaling the number of workers per worker group.
osrdyne runs the following control loop:
- receive the set of
worker groups from the pool state tracker - build the set of
worker groups: query running worker groups from the worker group driver. If this fails, log and continue to the next iteration of the control loop. - make both sets converge:
- for each worker group in
and not inrunning
:- use the docker / kubernetes API to start the worker group. This must be idempotent. do not retry 1
- for each worker group in
and not inexpected
:- use the docker / kubernetes API to attempts to stop the worker group. This must be idempotent. do not retry 1
- for each worker group in
Worker activity processor
As the number of worker activity events could be very high, we may not want to forward all of these to the pool state tracker: if multiple messages are received within a short time span, only the first one is relevant. A separate actor can be used to receive and dedup activity messages, and forward a low bandwidth summary to the pool state tracker.
Failure mode analysis
The worker fails to parse a message
This is an application layer error: the worker must respond, and indicate that something went wrong
The worker dies or stalls when processing a message
RabbitMQ will wait until the message TTL expires, and re-queues it.
A limit must be set on the number of times a message can be re-queued using a delivery-limit
When this limit is reached, the poison message is sent to the dead letter exchange, and the client times out.
osrdyne fails to start
- If exchanges are not setup, the client cannot publish messages
- If the appropriate work group is operational, the fast path can proceed
- Otherwise, requests pile up in the orphan queue, and the client ends up timing out
Invalid worker key
Because the key is an arbitrary string set by the client, it has to be processed carefully:
- the format is defined as a convention between the client and workers. If the format isn’t right, it is up to the worker to publish a response to the client.
- key validity conditions is also up to the worker: if the key is supposed to be some object ID, but the object does not exist, the worker needs to start up and respond
Even if the key does not conform to the convention established between the client and the worker, the worker needs to start and respond to all requests.
Workers fails to start
A per-queue message TTL should be set to avoid requests accumulating indefinitely.
Workers failing to start will cause:
- messages to accumulate in the queue.
- when message TTL is reached, it will get transferred to the dead letter queue
- the client will time out awaiting a response
Multiple osrdyne daemons are started on the same pool
It shouldn’t be an issue, as:
- all operations done on startup are idempotent
- before doing anything, the daemon has to start listening as an exclusive consumer of the dead letter and orphan queues
Known limitations
Latency, publisher confirms and reliability
Without publisher confirms, networker or broken failure can result in message loss. However, publisher confirms add quite a bit of latency (about 200ms), as it ensures messages are persisted to disk if the queue is durable.
We should use publisher confirms for responses and orphan transfers, and leave the decision of whether to do it for requests to the client.
At least once semantics
Most things in this protocol have at least once semantics if publisher confirms are used:
request delivery to workers
: if osrdyne is restarted while transferring an orphan to its destination, the orphan may be transferred twiceresponse delivery to clients
: if a worker takes slightly too long to ACK a message, but still responds, it may be requeued and re-processed, and thus responded to twice
Design decisions
Using RabbitMQ
To implement this solution, we rely on a combination of features unique to RabbitMQ:
- each worker type needs a separate exchange and configuration
- when a message cannot be routed within a worker type’s exchange, it is redirected to an alternate exchange managed by the worker manager
- dead lettering is leveraged to generate protocol errors
- the worker manager uses the RabbitMQ HTTP API to list queues
In addition to its attractive feature set, RabbitMQ has:
- various useful quality of life features, such as direct reply and per-message TTL
- long demonstrated its reliability
- multiple engineers on staff experienced with the tool
Queues are created by osrdyne
At some point, we explored the possibility of RPC clients creating queues. osrdyne would react to queue creation by starting workers. If the queue were to be unused for a while, osrdyne would stop workers and delete the queue.
This creates a race condition on queue deletion:
- osrdyne sees that the queue is empty
- the client ensures the queue is created
- osrdyne deletes the queue
- the client attempts to publish a message to the now deleted queue
We thus decided to move the responsibility of queue management to the osrdyne, and implement a mechanism to ensure messages cannot be dropped due to a missing queue.
osrdyne republishes orphan messages
Initially, we though of a solution whereby osrdyne’s orphan processor uses dead lettering to send messages back to their original exchange. This is in fact a bad idea, as dead lettering inhibits per message TTL.
Instead, the orphan processor has to proxy messages back to their original exchange. This proxying process can cause requests to get delivered multiple times to the target queue.
osrdyne responds to dead lettered messages
If a message is dead lettered for some reason (expired TTL, delivery limit, max queue length), we figured it would be best to give the client some idea that something went wrong.
The worker protocol thus has to allow the client to distinguish protocol errors from worker responses.
Messages are only ACKed by workers once processed
If messages are ACKed on reception:
- processing time is not limited by message timeout (which is arguably not a feature)
- the broker does not attempt re-delivery if the worker were to stop and not respond for some reason
If messages are ACKed once processed:
- messages whose processing time exceeds TTL will be re-queued, even if the worker is still processing the message. This can result in multiple responses being delivered.
- if the worker crashes or is stopped, the message will be re-queued
We decided to rely on a delivery-limit
policy to handle poison messages, and ACK messages once processed.
Report worker activity using AMQP
osrdyne needs to maintain queue usage statistics in order to know when worker groups can be stopped. At first, we considered having workers use valkey to store the timestamp of the last processed message for the queue. We decided against it as:
- it would mean the workers store a timestamp directly in database, read by a supervisor process. it’s a pretty bad design
- it adds an additional database to the RPC architecture, for little to no benefit compared to just using rabbitmq
- if one of the workers has its clock drift by more than the worker group expiration time compared to osrdyne, the worker group will get stopped
- any worker can get the pool deleted by forcing the timestamp to an old value
- it adds a failure mode: if osrdyne / workers are unable to reach valkey, weird bugs may ensue
Instead, we decided to require worker to publish activity updates to a dedicated queue. This queue can be watched by osrdyne, which can use these events to know when to stop a worker group.
Make worker group lifetime decisions in a separate actor
The lifetime of worker groups is influenced by three types of asynchronous events:
- worker activity
- orphan requests
- worker group spool down deadlines
When the orphan processor gets a request, it needs to create the worker group’s request queue before it can proceed to forward the message.
If queues were created and deleted asynchronously when these events are received, it would introduce a race condition:
- the orphan processor creates the queue
- the queue gets deleted because it expired at the same time
- the orphan processor forwards the message, which gets lost
We found multiple solutions for this issue:
- process all asynchronous events in a single actor. This was not deemed viable because worker activity processing is work intensive, and orphan request processing is latency sensitive.
- having a single actor create and delete queues (the request queues control loop) and making the orphan processor wait until the control loop creates the queue
Unbind the queue and wait before stopping workers
In a previous design, we tried to delete work queue in one go. It created a race condition issue on queue deletion, caused by the fact osrdyne does not get direct notifications of when messages are received on a work queue:
- we decide to stop the worker group
- work is received on the queue, but we aren’t made aware as no worker is up
- we try to delete the queue, but cannot do so without loosing messages
We could think of two fixes for this issue:
- implement a two stage shutdown, where no work can get to the queue for a while before workers are stopped
- detect that the queue still has messages after workers have stopped, and start workers back up
We decided to implement two stage worker group shutdown:
- if no activity is register for
, unbind the work queue - wait for a while to see if any worker picks up work from the queue and notifies osrdyne, which would rebind the queue
- if no orphan nor worker activity is registered for
, stop workers and delete the queue
3 - APIs
RailJSON is the format used to describe a railway infrastructure, it’s described in its JSON schema.
Below are a list of REST APIs implemented by OSRD.