
How to make a release

All OSRD releases are accessible here

The process for creating a new release is as follows:

  1. We always release on a tested version of the application (staging branch)
    • git switch staging && git pull
  2. Create a git annotated tag
    • We are using the semantic versioning
    • git tag -a vx.y.z with the message Release x.y.z (most of the time use the latest version and increment the patch version)
    • git push --tags
  3. Create a github release
    • Draft a new github release here
    • Select the created tag
    • Generate the releases notes
    • Rename the release like so: “Version x.y.z”
    • Check the “Set as a pre-release” box
    • Apply the changelog format
    • Then you can publish the release or save the draft if you want to come back later
  4. A github action should be triggered automatically.
  5. Post the link of the created release on matrix. Suggest that the developers review the release.

Changelog format

  1. Use the following structure:
## What's Changed

### Features :tada:

### Code refactoring :recycle:

### Bug fixes :bug:

## New Contributors

<!-- Copy from the generated release notes -->

<!-- Copy from the generated release notes -->
**Full Changelog**: ...
  1. Partition the different pull requests
  2. Merge or group PR when it make sense. Examples:
    • Bump of dependencies PR (merge)
    • Multi part PR (merge)
    • One big feature implemented by multiple PR (group)
  3. Reword PR title. It should be comprehensible to an external collaborator