Kubernetes with Helm

Using Helm for Kubernetes deployments

The OSRD project’s Helm Chart provides a flexible and efficient way to deploy OSRD services in a Kubernetes environment. This document outlines the configuration options available in the Helm Chart, focusing on each service component.


Before proceeding with the deployment, ensure that you have the following installed:

  • A Kubernetes cluster up and running
  • A PostgreSQL database with PostGIS
  • A Valkey server (used for caching)

The tileserver

Tileserver is the component responsible for generating vector map tiles. It is recommended to separate it from standard Editoast while running a production setup since Editoast cannot be scaled horizontally (it is stateful).

You can visualize the recommended deployment here:

flowchart TD
    front["front-end static files"]
    gw -- local file --> front

    browser --> gw
    gw -- HTTP --> editoast
    gw -- HTTP --> tileserver-1
    gw -- HTTP --> tileserver-2
    gw -- HTTP --> tileserver-n...
    editoast -- HTTP --> core

The Helm chart leverages Kubernete’s HorizontalPodAutoscaler in order to spawn as much tileserver as required for the current workload.

Chart Values Overview

The Helm Chart is configurable through the following values:

Core Service

  • core: Configuration for the core OSRD service.
    • internalUrl: Internal URL for service communication.
    • image: Docker image to use.
    • pullPolicy: Image pull policy.
    • replicaCount: Number of replicas.
    • service: Service type and port configuration.
    • resources, env, annotations, labels, nodeSelector, tolerations, affinity: Various Kubernetes deployment options.

Editoast Service

  • editoast: Configuration for the Editoast service.
    • Includes similar options as core for Kubernetes deployment.
    • init: Initialization configuration.

Tile Server

  • tileServer: Specialized Editoast service that serves only vector map tiles.
    • enabled: Set to true to enable tile server functionality.
    • image: Docker image to use (typically the same as Editoast).
    • replicaCount: Number of replicas, allowing for horizontal scaling.
    • hpa: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler configuration.
    • Other standard Kubernetes deployment options.


  • gateway: Configuration for the OSRD gateway.
    • Includes service, ingress, and other Kubernetes deployment options.
    • config: Specific configurations for authentication and trusted proxies.


The chart is available at ghcr OCI repository. You can find 2 Helm charts:

  • Stable charts: oci://ghcr.io/OpenRailAssociation/charts/osrd
  • Dev charts: oci://ghcr.io/OpenRailAssociation/charts/osrd-dev

To deploy the OSRD services using this Helm Chart:

  1. Configure Values: Adjust the values in the Helm Chart to suit your deployment needs.

  2. Install Chart: Use Helm to install the chart into your Kubernetes cluster.

    helm install osrd oci://ghcr.io/OpenRailAssociation/charts/osrd -f values.yml