Front-end conventions
We use ReactJS and all files must be written in Typescript.
The code is linted with eslint, and formatted with prettier.
The applications (osrd eex, osrd stdcm, infra editor, rolling-stock editor) offer views (project management, study management, etc.) linked to modules (project, study, etc.) which contain the components.
These views are made up of components and sub-components all derived from the modules. In addition to containing the views files for the applications, they may also contain a scripts directory which offers scripts related to these views. The views determine the logic and access to the store.
Modules are collections of components attached to an object (a scenario, a rolling stock, a TrainSchedule). They contain :
- a components directory hosting all components
- an optional styles directory per module for styling components in scss
- an optional assets directory per module (which contains assets, e.g. default datasets, specific to the module)
- an optional reducers file per module
- an optional types file per module
- an optional consts file per module
An assets directory (containing images and other files).
Last but not least, a common directory offering :
- a utils directory for utility functions common to the entire project
- a types file for types common to the entire project
- a consts file for constants common to the entire project
Implementation principles
Routing & SLUG
In progress
projects/{project's name}/studies/{study's name}/scenarios/{scenario's name}
Styles & SCSS
WARNING: in CSS/React, the scope of a class does not depend on where the file is imported, but is valid for the entire application. If you import an
file in the depths of a component (which we strongly advise against), its classes will be available to the whole application and may therefore cause side effects.
It is therefore highly recommended to be able to easily follow the tree structure of applications, views, modules and components also within the SCSS code, and in particular to nest class names to avoid edge effects, as the compiler will take care of making the necessary hierarchy.
If, for example, we have a rollingStockSelector
component which proposes a list of rolling stock rollingStockList
represented by rollingStockCard
containing an image representing the rolling stock rollingStockImg
we should have the following SCSS structure:
.rollinStockSelector {
.rollingStockList {
.rollingStockCard {
.rollingStockImg {
width: 5rem;
height: auto;
This ensures that the image contained in the rolling stock card inherits the correct css properties .rollinStockSelector.rollingStockList.rollingStockCard.rollingStockImg
CSS Modules
CSS modules allow scoping CSS styles to a specific component, thereby avoiding conflicts with global class names.
Vite natively supports CSS modules. Ensure that your CSS file has the .module.css
extension, for example, styles.module.css
Using CSS Modules in Components
- Create an SCSS file with the
/* MyComponent.module.scss */
.container {
background-color: white;
.title {
font-size: 24px;
color: #333;
- Use the classes in your React component:
Vite transforms classes into objects that contain hashed classes (e.g., _container_h3d8bg
) and uses them during bundle generation, making the classes unique.
import React from "react";
import styles from "./MyComponent.module.scss";
export function MyComponent() {
return (
<div className={styles.container}>
<h1 className={styles["title"]}>My Title</h1>
For more information, you can refer to the Vite.js documentation.
Class names, using cx()
Classes are normally added one after the other, in the className=""
However, when necessary - class usage tests, concatenation, etc. - we use the classnames library, which recommends the following usage:
<div className="rollingStockSelector">
<div className="rollingStockList">
<div className="rollingStockCard w-100 my-2">
className={cx("rollingStockImg", "m-2", "p-1", "bg-white", {
valid: isValid(),
selected: rollingStockID === selectedRollingStockID,
Classes are separated each in a string
and Boolean or other operations are performed in an object that will return - or not - the property name as the class name to be used in CSS.
Everything that is selector is managed by the view and passed as props to components and sub-components.
Consequently, read and write calls to the store must be made at view level, irrigating the components proposed by the view with props and states.
Use generated endpoints from openapi.yaml
files to consume the backend.
Operation of RTK Query cache
When the data is retrieved from the back, RTK is caching it into the store. If the same endpoint is called again with same parameters, RTK will use the cache data instead of making a new call to the back.
In the store, you will see the editoastApi
key containing the cached data of all editoast endpoints:
Here for example, the getProjects
endpoint is called.
RTK stores the endpoint’s name, as well as the call’s parameters, to form an unique key nomDuEndpoint({ parameter })
. (here getProjects({"ordering":"LastModifiedDesc","pageSize":1000})
'getProjectsByProjectIdStudiesAndStudyId({"projectId":13,"studyId":16})': {
status :"fulfilled",
'getProjectsByProjectIdStudiesAndStudyId({"projectId":13,"studyId":14})': {
In this second example, the same endpoint has been called with the same projectId
parameter, but a different studyId
Serialization of keys in the cache
The strings used as keys in the cache are essentially the parameter object passed through the JSON.stringify
function, which converts a JS object into a string (thus serialized).
Normally, serialization does not preserve the order of object keys. For example, JSON.stringify
will not produce the same string with these two objects: { a: 1, b: 2 }
and { b: 2, a: 1 }
RTK will optimize caching by ensuring that the result of a call with {"projectId":13,"studyId":16}
or {"studyId":16, "projectId":13}
is stored under the same key in the cache.
To see the detailed operation, here is the code for this serialization function:
RTK Serialization Function
const defaultSerializeQueryArgs: SerializeQueryArgs<any> = ({
}) => {
let serialized = ''
const cached = cache?.get(queryArgs)
if (typeof cached === 'string') {
serialized = cached
} else {
const stringified = JSON.stringify(queryArgs, (key, value) =>
? Object.keys(value)
.sort() // keys are reordered here
.reduce<any>((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = (value as any)[key]
return acc
}, {})
: value
if (isPlainObject(queryArgs)) {
cache?.set(queryArgs, stringified)
serialized = stringified
// Sort the object keys before stringifying, to prevent useQuery({ a: 1, b: 2 }) having a different cache key than useQuery({ b: 2, a: 1 })
return `${endpointName}(${serialized})`
Data subscription
In RTK Query terminology, when a React component calls an endpoint defined in RTK Query, it subscribes to the data.
RTK counts the number of references to the same pair (endpoint, {parameters}). When two components subscribe to the same data, they share the same key in the cache.
import { osrdEditoastApi } from "./api.ts";
function Component1() {
// component subscribes to the data
const { data } = osrdEditoastApi.useGetXQuery(1);
return <div>...</div>;
function Component2() {
// component subscribes to the data
const { data } = osrdEditoastApi.useGetXQuery(2);
return <div>...</div>;
function Component3() {
// component subscribes to the data
const { data } = osrdEditoastApi.useGetXQuery(3);
return <div>...</div>;
function Component4() {
// component subscribes to the *same* data as ComponentThree,
// as it has the same query parameters
const { data } = osrdEditoastApi.useGetXQuery(3);
return <div>...</div>;
Here, Component3
and Component4
will generate only one call to the backend. They subscribe to the same data (same endpoint and same parameter 3
). They will share the same key in the cache.
In total, there will be three calls to the backend here, with parameters 1
, 2
, and 3
As long as at least one mounted React component calls the osrdEditoastApi.endpoints.getProjectsByProjectId.useQuery
hook, for example, the data will be retained in the cache.
Once the last component is unmounted, the data is removed from the cache after 60 seconds (default value).
Application translation is performed on Transifex. The default language is French. If you add a new translation key, it can be added directly to the code, in all available languages. Please note that if you need to correct a translation, we recommend that you use Transifex, to avoid any conflict.
Rules and important elements
No component should be responsible for updating the data it uses
Only views contain the store selectors, which are then given as props to the components of the module linked to the view.
SCSS is not scoped
A .scss
file buried in the tree structure doesn’t guarantee that the classes it contains can only be accessed there, even by importing react (formally forbidden by the way: you must use SCSS import), all declared classes are accessible everywhere.
Prefer a judicious choice of root class name for a given module, and use the tree structure available in the SCSS file.
Imports must follow a specific order
ESLint is setup to automatically sort imports in four import groups, each of them sorted in alphabetical order :
- React
- External libraries
- Internal absolute path files
- Internal relative path files
Each of these groups will be separated by an empty line.
ESLint will trigger a warning if you don’t follow these guidelines.
Import links must be absolute
You must use the full path for all your imports.
Import links can be relative only if the file to be imported is in the same directory.
import & export
ESLint and Typescript are setup to enforce typed imports for an exported type.
This current setup allows to :
- Auto typing the import when using a type in a file with autocompletion.
- Getting 2 errors from each package asking to use type import if you didn’t.
When an import
or export
contains only types, indicate it with the type
export type { Direction, DirectionalTrackRange as TrackRange };
import type { typedEntries, ValueOf } from "utils/types";
When an import
contains not only types, it will be structured like below, in alphabetical order.
import {
type ScenarioCreateForm,
} from "common/api/osrdEditoastApi";
This allows to:
- Improve the performance and analysis process of the compiler and the linter.
- Make these declarations more readable; we can clearly see what we are importing.
- Avoid dependency cycles:
The error disappears with the type
- Make final bundle lighter (all types disappear at compilation)