Report issues

Report a bug or suggest an enhancement

Please report anything you deem significant!

Our bug tracking platform is github, so you have to register to report bugs.

Follow this link and pick whatever template fits the best.


  • Bug must have a correct description and the bug’s issue template must be filled carefully.
  • Bug must be tagged with (for team members):
    • kind:bug
    • one or several area:<affected_area> if possible, if the affected area is not known leave it blank it will be added later by another team member.
    • one severity:<bug_severity> if possible, if severity is not known leave it blank it will be added later by another team member.
      • severity:minor: User can still use the feature.
      • severity:major: User sometimes can’t use the feature.
      • severity:critical: User can’t use the feature.
  • OSRD team members can change issues’ tags (severity, area, kind, …). You may leave a comment to explain changes.
  • If you are working on a bug or plan to work on a bug, assign yourself to the bug.
  • PRs solving bugs should add a regression tests to ensure that bug will not be back in the future.