OpenStreetMap and open data talk at Fosdem 2023
Hi ! My name is Céline, and I am on a mission to bring more open data into OSRD. To do so, I searched open data that can fit OSRD’s needs in every country of the European Union (+ Norway, United Kingdom and Switzerland).
I have presented the main results of this study during a talk at the FOSDEM 2023 meeting, and you can see the replay on their website.
In this post I will go into details of the methodology I followed, feel free to contact me if you have any remarks or question :-)
Data download
You can download the detailed data I created here. Update 11/03/23 : get the updated file here.
- Added open data sources links for : Estonia, Czechia, Poland, Slovakia
- Added license detail pour : Sweden
- Added information on real-time position of trains for : Finland Special thanks to Christoph Breit & everyone that contributed by sending me links & info
The file is composed of three tabs:
- EU-sources: links to download each country’s open data & info on license compatibility
- EU-data: data used to compare total track length between countries and source and to compute the “usability indicator”
- EU-epsg: EPSG code used for reprojecting geographical data for each country
Compare total track length
Calculate track length from open data
Look for open data sources
If a source is found, look for data license
Check license compatibility with OpenStreetMap using OSM wiki and this blog post
Download open data
Load data into QGIS and reproject it based on the EU-epsg tab
Calculate a new field using the following formula to get the length of each track in kilometers:
"length" = $length / 1000
Report total length using the “Basic Statistics for Fields” tool
Learn more about Inspire data model
Calculate track length for OpenStreetMap data
Download last OSM export from
Load lines data into QGIS
Select data using the “other_tags” field to select railway network:
"other_tags" like '%"railway"=>"rail"%' or "other_tags" like '%"railway"=>"narrow_gauge"%' or "other_tags" like '%"railway"=>"light_rail"%'
Export selected objects and reproject the layer based on the EU-epsg tab
Calculate a new field using the following formula to get the length of each track in kilometers:
"length" = $length / 1000
Select electrified parts of the network using the “other_tags” field:
"other_tags" like '%"electrified"=>"yes"%' or "other_tags" like '%"electrified"=>"contact_line"%' or "other_tags" like '%"electrified"=>"rail"%'
Report total length using the Basic Statistics for Fields tool
Learn more about OpenStreetMap data model
Calculate usability indicator
- List required and optional data
- For each data, indicate its availability using QGIS (Overpass Turbo can also be helpful to check OSM data) and the following scale :
- “Yes”: fully available
- “Partial”: not available everywhere on the country, or missing parts of the data
- “No”: not available
- Sum total required and optional data with Yes = 1; Partial = 0.5; No = 0
- Generate indicator:
- “Good” if required=2 and optional>2
- “Okay” if required >1 and optional >=0
- “Poor” if required=1 and optional >2
- “Not usable” else
Map the result
To show the indicator and license compatibility on a map, use the Eurostat borders datasets (for my presentation, I have used the 1:20 million scale and EPSG:3035) and join the table using countries names.